I love atavin I think its the best drug in the world. I don't have an addictive personality so I'm okay to take it. I have been on it since I was 14 (on and off) just take it for really bad panic attacks and i can go months and months without taking one. Only started taking them when I get vertigo seems to help numb that part of the brain and makes it a little more tolerable. but running out of it so I got valium (don't like it as much makes me a little loopy and tired) the antibiotics were making me sleep 20 hours a day and adding to the vertigo!. now I'm a little more active and have done some outings and saw a friend last night. atavin I can just function better I don't take it to sleep.
so what do you do when your head hurts as bad as mine and neck? crap!I'm not into muscle relaxers I actually don't do good on meds, like I can not take vicodin or anything like that just makes me dizzy and sick to my stomach. so when you get a headache you don't take anything>>?