Re: 27 Flushes, still having issues
I understand a lot of what you are going through being in somewhat the same boat myself.
From things I have read (mainly on the ask Shelley curezone forum) it seems necessary to eat/take foods, teas and herbs to heal the liver and improve its function. Flushing removes toxins etc. but it will not as greatly improve liver function as dietary changes.
I would suggest reposting your message there to get her input as well.
Me I am having trouble giving up the coffee. Some days it is either coffee or a drink. I read an article staing that coffee, even decaf leaves a brown sludgelike substance in the liver that is much worse than the caffeine. Still some days I just have to have some.
I guess one has to just keep working at it.
Luckily it seems that you have the will and intelligence needed to get to the root of these things and I am sure there are much better days ahead.