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Re: my protocol
Hveragerthi Views: 3,818
Published: 16 y
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Re: my protocol

 >>I'm considering IP6 for chelation. I've done chelation therapy in the past with little but noticeable effect.

I REALLY like IP6. Wonder what H thinks about it.

I have no problems with IP6 (phytic acid).  As I have pointed out in my soy posts phytic acid has a higher affinity for toxic metals and iron than it does for beneficial minerals.  So it is not an anti-nutrient as some have claimed.

>>It doesn't help, if I can't keep my bowels evacuating stuff. When they are working fine, which is a day or two at a time, my sinuses have the greatest relief. My nose is attached to my butt apparently. I blame it on self-diagnosed leaky gut; but I'm not addressing that problem - yet.

Surely by now you've tried cascara sagrada...?

I don't like cascara sagrada.  It is a stimulant laxative and it can cause a laxative dependence after a few weeks of use.



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