Good to know. I miss my seaweed. Trying to watch all sources of iodine, ingesting as little as possible due to the (fairly sudden onset) hyper-T. Any thoughts on which seaweed(s) might (theoretically) contain the least amount of iodine? I miss my Iodine too. ; (
Incidentally, been looking around for chapparal sources and found very little. Also didn't want to delay having it, so drove to local (and small) HFS (limited in inventory) - only option was Giaia Herbs tincture. I happen to like tinctures - but you're fairly adamant about fresh dry herbs.
Also, possible/of value to make chapparal tea? I liked the taste from the tincture.
Surprisingly, the sales gal assisting me went on to note concerns posed regarding it being somewhat detrimental to liver function/health. Know anything about this?