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Re: Temperature control.
Hveragerthi Views: 3,811
Published: 16 y
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Re: Temperature control.

"Because NDGA (nordihydroguaiaretic acid) possesses considerable toxicity; long-term feeding studies in rats induced lesions in the mesenteric lymph nodes and kidneys. As a result, the compound was removed from the FDA's [U.S. Food and Drug Administration's] 'generally recognized as safe' (GRAS) list in 1968." (Tyler)


If NDGA is so toxic then why was it used in so many foods in the US for decades with full approval of the USDA to prevent oils in foods from going rancid?  If it was so toxic then there would have been all sorts of adverse events reported, which there are not.


"Chapparal is considered to be an unsafe herb and was removed by the FDA from its `generally recognized as safe' list in 1970." (Fetrow)

The FDA has a vested interest in the drug companies they regulate in violation of insider trading laws.  It has been reported for over 30 years that over 150 FDA officials own stock in drug companies.  And Herbert Ley, formerly of the FDA testified before Congress that the FDA was using governmental police powers to protect the profits of the drug companies and they in turn are being given payoffs and gifts.  A great example of this was the generic drug scandal in which FDA officials were caught approving untested drugs in exchange for payoffs.  Not only were the FDA officials not prosecuted, the FDA then went after a secondary drug company that tipped off the authorities to what was going on.  So I have no faith in what the FDA claims or thinks.  They are not out to protect the public.  If they were then why did they approve ibuprofen after it killed 2 dozen people during clinical trials from ibuprofen induced hepatitis?  Not only did they approve it, but they later made it over the counter as they do with many dangerous drugs once their patents expire.  In fact NSAIDs like ibuprofen kill an estimated 16,500 people a year by the FDA's own estimates, yet these drugs remain on the market.  Chaparral never killed anyone and there has never been any solid proof of any injuries from the herb yet they want it off the market.  Funny how they consider all herbs that work better than pharmaceutical drugs and are safer are quackery and they want them off the market.  And dangerous quack pharmaceuticals are given FDA approval no real questions asked.



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