Re: Fasting, metabolism, and preventing weight gain after the fast
Your answer was relevant, but I guess I didn't phrase my question very clearly. What I really meant to ask with
"I was wondering what would be better for weight loss" was if I broke my fast with refeeding in between, would I gain less weight once I broke my fast? For this to be true, I need to assume that by breaking my fast every week I could prevent my metabolism to decrease as much as if I was doing a longer fast.
After these few weeks of fasting, I do not plan on trying to lose weight since my weight was not very high to begin with. I just want to prevent gaining back all the weight that I lost during my fast or putting any additional weight to what I started with. I was already planing to follow a routine similar to what you described, however, I know that a few weeks after extended fast the metabolism is so low that weight gain (not only water weight) is inevitable, and this is what I am trying to avoid. So I was wondering if doing several small fast back-to-back, would prevent the extreme slowing down of the metabolism seen in longer fast, and thus "be better for weight loss"? But given your answer, it doesn't, right?