Re: strongly disagree with plant based diets
Greets Golthing,
"There seems to be a religion developing on this forum that promotes vegetarian or vegan diets, and sometimes raw diets, above that of an omnivore diet. There seems to be somewhat of a stench that if you eat meat you are doing something wrong or unhealthy."
I am not sure what you are basing this on. Healthy eating, yes, vegetarian or vegan lifestyle being forced upon the reader, i don't think so.
And for those advocating a plant based diet, i believe they mean "centering around these foods", but most (including Fuhrman) are not advocating the exclusion of beef, fish, or other animal products. This is a
Water Fasting forum, but most in this forum are strong believers in the importance of emerging from the fast with healthful eating habits... whether they include meat or not.
"After his ascension, God told Peter that he could eat all forms of meat, only to abstain from blood or meat mingled with blood."
not so much that this is on the subject of water fasting, but i believe this vision of Peter's was an analogy to show Peter and the other Apostles that Gentiles (Non-Jews) and not only Jews were to be included in God's plan of salvation. If you follow the whole story line, this becomes more and more apparent. But i also believe there was a literal aspect, God showing Peter that through the atoning death and resurrection of Jesus, certain aspects of Jewish law have been replaced... (the need for these laws was defeated on the cross). Certain animals previously forbidden were now ok to eat.
"And we're even told in the Bible that those that don't eat meat are weaker in faith. So you can bet I'll be eating meat."
It's pretty important to know the entire context... to be pretty cautious about concluding too much from a single verse in and of itself. I don't believe by any stretch of the imagination that those who don't eat meat are weaker in faith, only that those who believe they are not allowed to do so are less mature in their faith, not fully believing in all that Jesus accomplished through his atoning death... including knowing that faith in Jesus replaced the levitical laws (including don't eat certain meats), the laws which nobody could keep.
"The thing is that one needs to be wise about meat. Much of the meat you buy at the local grocery store is tainted with hormones, fertilizers, and other toxins. Perhaps this is why meat has been given a bad rap."
I'll happily give you this one.
"Those who eat meat are in no way inferior to those that don't."
and this one.
"I agree that it is healthy to eat lots of organic fruits and vegetables as well as considering where your meat has come from. Since fasting I eat probably 20 times as much fruit and vegetables as I did before, but I haven't stopped eating meat. I'm just more cautious as to where it comes from."
sounds mysteriously like a "plant based diet" :).