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Video Embedded Re: strongly disagree with plant based diets (edit2)
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Re: strongly disagree with plant based diets (edit2)

Generally, I agree with your choices, though I would make them entirely for health rather than religious reasons. Good meat and fish contains valuable omega three and DHA, I think that is good in sensible amounts.

However if you look at medical research, you'll find that NOT eating meat and especially NOT eating dairy WILL reverse heart disease (not may - WILL).

It's not just the guy in the video, Caldwell Esselstyn had reversed many other people's heart disease including a colleague (Dr Joe Crow) who is still alive 20 years on. He was diagnosed as terminal. - you only need to watch the first few minutes, Crow's story starts just after a minute or so into the video.

I should also say that the meat involved in these heart illnesses is probably feedlot beef (i.e. forcibly grain fed), no specific study has been done on grass fed beef, however T Colin Campbell's "China Study" compared the good health of the Chinese to the bad health of the Americans and the Chinese seem to have raised their animals more or less organically.


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