16 y
Re: The whole truth and nothing but the Truth, so help me God.
Thanks for that, btw the word "scholar" is meant as a 'comparison' to myself and many others.
I personally sought an 'interpretation' (through technology) to understand the Bible and it's message through much reading to find 'middle ground' (if I may call it that) to go with the spiritual experiences that I had.
Yes, it's seems like putting "the cart before the horse" but that's how it came to me.
I needed to eliminate the 'politics' that I spoke about and attempt to find some basic beginning, the 'nut's and bolts' to put together to free myself from too much of man's interference.
To go back to a time (if that was possible) when God's message came through Jesus perhaps.
I came across a website "Mystery of the Ages" which went some way to answer my questions that plagued me.
It also took me back to a time that I had seeked.
The author Herbert W Armstrong of "Mystery of the Ages" wrote this book at the age of 94 years and spent most of his life studying religion etc. and with his CV I couldn't pass this one by.
He finished writing that book just before his demise.
Yes it was another interpretation and yes he was denounced as a heretic from the "Church of God" which he founded, that which made it more compelling.
I gained a lot of insight from that book but I knew that I must continue and yes, yet another door opens from yourself, thankyou so much.