15 y
Re: I want to apologize!
[[[The bible is not a spiritual authority. Jesus said...
Matthew 28:18
"ALL authority in heaven and earth was given to me".]]]
How, from that one line, do you come to the conclusion that scripture does not have any spiritual authority? There is more scripture, used in context, that will prove otherwise.
If Scripture is the Word of God, and Jesus was referred to as God's Word in the flesh, how then is the Bible(God's Word) not a spiritual authority?
If not by scripture how does one know what is of God? If by 'feeling' then how do you test those 'feelings' to determine whether it is of God and not something else? It is clear in the new testament that Jesus used the Scriptures to both teach people and rebuke the devil, that was the 'rule' he used to judge. EVERYTHING he did or said was congruent to Scripture. What would make anyone think that somehow, somewhere down the line, scripture became obsolete all a of the sudden and "not a spiritual authority.' ?
Hmmm... Jesus is "Spiritual authority," and used Scripture to back everything he said and did. Yet, "Scripture is not a spiritual authority." Does that make any sense at all?
In Christ.