Re: My Diet [was Re: Super Gassy with ACV]
I would venture to guess that it's not the ACV, it's your diet.
A diet that high in raw food, IMO, taxes the digestive system. Raw foods are cleansing...beyond the point of cleansing, though, they an be tough on the digestive system when eaten in excess. And if salads make you super gassy, well, there's a hint.
Some people can handle a lot of raw food, most can't.
Food for thought:
BTW, I certainly don't want to offend you. I see people, time and time again, trying to force a diet upon themselves that their body obviously disagrees with...I don't know you, I don't know that this is true in your case.
I have never heard of ACV making someone gassy. Excess gas is a sign of impaired bowel flora, though. Since ACV feeds that flora, I dunno, maybe they're just letting out a big burp after a good meal... ?