When I'm not fasting, I'm 80% raw food vegan. Eat meat 2 or 3 times a week as a side dish. I puree all my raw veggies since salads make me super gassy. I used to juice carrot with mixed greens for a year, and turned into a walking carrot stick. Apparently, my body couldn't convert the beta-carotene into vitamin A.
I've been juice fasting for the last 4 days. I fasted to give my bloated, gassy, leaky gut a break. The juice is usually half citrus mixed with celery, lettuce or cucumber. On day 4, I decided to try 1Tbsp of ACV mixed with the juice. I got super gassy. I broke the fast with a very diluted oatmeal last nite. It didn't digest very well, so I'm back to bloated and gassy again.