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Re: ooh! ooh!
wombat Views: 13,317
Published: 16 y
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Re: ooh! ooh!

forgot about this. BTW, also see page 122 for more info on acid-loving bacteria, ACV and kombucha tea:

"The biggest problem with Lugol’s Solution, as I
see it, is that the high concentration of elemental Iodine (I2)
in it is somewhat allergenic. About 1 American in 100, is
noticeably allergic to it. About 1 American in 1,000 is so
allergic to I2 that even topical exposure to it can cause them
break out in a rash. Also, whether or not you have any
allergy to elemental Iodine, the elemental Iodine (I2) in
Lugol’s solution can kill too many of the good (acid
loving) bacteria in your digestive system. This is
particularly likely to happen if, like the vast majority of
Americans, you have had almost all of the good (acid
loving) bacteria sanitized out of your diet. I will have more
to say about this soon. For now, let me just suggest that if
you take a drop or two of supplemental Lugol’s Solution,
also drink a ½ cup of water each day, that has had a
teaspoon of raw Apple Cider Vinegar and 1 or 2 teaspoons
of honey mixed together in it. Even if you are not taking
any Lugol’s Solution, the acid loving bacteria provided by
the apple-cider-vinegar/honey/water will still usually help
improve your digestion and health. (Warning: Very elderly
people often have weak digestive systems that might be
upset, or damaged, by either Lugol’s Solution, or by Apple
Cider Vinegar."

~easy way to make kombucha is to just get a bottle of it from the HFS and add to the first brew. Grzbear has good posts on that in the tea forum.


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