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Vektek, define Legalism
OmnesSempre Views: 4,712
Published: 15 y
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Vektek, define Legalism

It seems you like to paint with a wide brush, and it's apparent that you are 'inspired' by John MaCarthur, who holds some pretty particular beliefs, universal maybe in your eyes, but hardly a basis for your somewhat dogmatic approach.
For all you've said in this thread, you're not really expounding much. On the basis of the sermon you posted below, you still need to show not only your analysis of said sermon, but I haven't seen one specific example of what this Moreless fellow has said or done to warrant this cudgel. I don't frequent his column, but maybe you could address a specific instance to illustrate.

Broad statements about claiming to be Christian while not holding to core doctrines that "every" Christian "should" believe doesn't quite fly. First of all, you should cite that 'core' doctrine and then show how Moreless violates it. Then, you might have a point. Using a particular scripture verse(s) in isolation, and without context, and trying to support it with some pastor/preacher's exposition doesn't prove whatever your assertion exactly is.

I'm not making a defense or a judgement either way on Moreless, who I"ve heard in other places is rather dogmatic himself, so you might be right, but it seems that out of the blue this blanket statement was rather tossed out here, and maybe it's just your way of being evangelistic?

Anyways the term Legalism is often bandied about by many, so maybe you can define and expand on that one, for starters.


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