Re: See if this helps...
Hi Linenup!
Thanks so much for the wealth of information..................
When i came to Curezone , I was in total agreement : First deal with parasites. then Liver Flush, Then deal with Candida.............. but in my experience I have been fighting a losing battle without eliminating heavy metals first. I agree they go hand in hand with
parasites and Candida....... but now i feel they (heavy metals) should be detoxed first then kill
parasites then
Liver Flush then Candida cleanse. What do you think?
Something interesting from the link you provided:
You are welcome! Metals are a big problem and overlooked and misunderstood. For example mercury is so dangerous because of its attack on thiol groups of which glutathione is one. Without adequate glutatione, the body is going to have a difficult time reducing toxic metals and fighting infections. Mercury attacks glutathione and reduced glutathione weakens the immune system. And you can flip flop that statement in that an infectious attack reduces glutatione and reduced glutathione enables heavy metals to remain.
This is a good product as it is absorbable vs. the oral glutathione products, you have to srart slowly
If you read Dr. Patricia Kane and Dr. Klingherdt they both say that killing the infections and removing heavy metals are the way for healing.