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Image Embedded Please help w/ TEST RESULTS Anyone..........Please Bythc,jesseMom,Smuse ,Julie,Newport , Fledgling,shroom,Glaxony,.........
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Published: 16 y

Please help w/ TEST RESULTS Anyone..........Please Bythc,jesseMom,Smuse ,Julie,Newport , Fledgling,shroom,Glaxony,.........

Hi Everyone!
I just received test results back ....... Oddly enough No Ova / parasites were found but blood was present.........
I don't know if I can go by this because I know they are there. I can feel them , I can see them, I can fight them and everything I have seen, has been seen or discovered by many other posters as well. Jesse's Mom helped me to know exactly what to look for.............
Its all there........... Nests eggs,worms and all. Sesame seeds,corn, chickpeas, flukes, skins, chewing gum,fibers,etc........... I guess I continue to fight what I believe is a tapeworm? Jesse'sMom you posted the possibility that these worms can come up and tickle the tonsils....... Well every time I go to an ENT the first thing they say is" Where did your tonsils go?"," Let's take out whats left of them". Since I started Humaworm I Know I have been hitting it since I feel it moving around.
As for the yeast culture I was 2+ for Candida Lambica, cAndida Albicans and Candida pseudo tropicalis.
I think I have a good chance fighting this with Uva Ursi.........
I did a Hair analysis as well and It showed toxicity to Mercury , CAdmium,Antimony and Galdonium.



I still have 5 Amalgams which I will try and find the right person to take out. Any suggetsions/advice till then?
Iodine......... ALA.......... l-cysteine Any other suggestions? Where can i find DMSA? Could the Heavy Metals be the reason I can't seem to clear these parasites or yeast? I Will try to repeat test at hospital, urine or blood I think.
Next Step is probably to get Igenex Test. ANy other Labs recommended would greatly be appreciated.
Thank You Very Much for all your help



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