True we are to be good stewards.
But the passage in proverbs was a literal slave.
under Levitical law if I borrowed money from you this week and told you I would pay you back next week and did not pay then you could take me or one of my family to use as a slave until the debt was fulfilled. Every seventh year all debts where forgiven and slaves freed.
Paul was talking directly to the Romans and telling them not to buck the system.
He was saying not to get into debt but a much bigger picture was being painted.
Paul realized this was an virtual impossibility even in Roman culture. That is why he said to love them, which man can't do either.
In the story of the rich young ruler Jesus asks him if he has kept the law. His response was yes, so Jesus told him to go and sell anything. The correct most humble answer should have been no I have not. Once again all have sinned we all need the grace and the mercy of Christ.