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ketkev Views: 3,618
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Actually the bible is not contradictory if you understand who is being spoken to.

First of all who was the law given to?
Answer: Israel [Deut. 5:1-3]

Why was the law Given
Answer: So that sin would increase to show that no man could keep the law in its entirety. [Romans 5:20]

The points of these passages was to reiterate that you could not even love your neighbor.

Actually Paul took it to task to lay it on the line in Romans 9:

6But it is not as though the word of God has failed. For not all who are descended from Israel belong to Israel, 7and not all are children of Abraham because they are his offspring, but p“Through Isaac shall your offspring be named.” 8This means that it is not the children of the flesh who are the children of God, but the children of the promise are counted as offspring. 9For this is what the promise said: “About this time next year I will return and Sarah shall have a son.” 10And not only so, but also when Rebecca had conceived children by one man, our forefather Isaac, 11though they were not yet born and had done nothing either good or bad—in order that God's purpose of election might continue, not because of works but because of this call— 12she was told, “The older will serve the younger.” 13As it is written, v“Jacob I loved, but Esau I hated.” 14What shall we say then? wIs there injustice on God's part? By no means! 15For he says to Moses, x“I will have mercy on whom I have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion.” 16So then it depends not on human will or exertion, but on God, who has mercy. 17For the Scripture says to Pharaoh, y“For this very purpose I have raised you up, that I might show my power in you, and that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth.” 18So then he has mercy on whomever he wills, and he hardens whomever he wills.

You see being a Christian is not by anything you can do but solely by God

Romans 9 again

16 So then it depends not on human will or exertion, but on God, who has mercy.

And back to the debt verse if you start at the beginning of the passage it is speaking of being a good steward and obeying the govt.

I am not in debt to my eyeballs I owe on my house which in our structure in society I have not a choice but to borrow to cover the cost. I am not in debt to a person but a company. Once again not what the writer was trying to convey. It is not about debt it is about loving your neighbor and not screwing him. We must read the passages in context.

as far as adultery If a man looked at your avatar and lusted after it he has committed adultery. Jesus made the point that if you have even thought about it you have done the same as if you actually performed the sin. He took the law another step further towards the impossibility of keeping it. So we would realize that we can only look to him for our righteousness and not our works



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