water or soil problem?
my sister is in Toronto, and she has to move a lot, some of the district she moved, she itchs after shower. And I always has problem after fardening, and as soon as I go to other places, the symptom is gone, so I suspect that soil and water has something to do with skin problems. Even if you got real
parasites on you, lack of vitamin, too much explosure to things that make your skin open up, make you the favorable prey of mites. we all know for sure that some people never gets biten.
We're not doctors, but we're sufferers, if we share enough, we might just figure it out. normal doctors can just offer us antihistamine or steroid. But for things that come back all the time, it must be some real things. The eggs will last if you do not kill the adults as soon as they immerge, ACV is good, (or neem oil if you're sure it's mites). I like ACV, since it's mild, and it can kill fungus, bacteria, mites, and it cures dry skin, erase wrinkles. trust me, those expensive stuff that anti wrinkle, just add acid to normal cream. My other sister used to make creams. she has a plastic factory, sometimes get tired of middle products, they'll make cosmetics, parfumes. eggs hatch in 3~5 days, and you might get exposed to new adults, say, from the pets. the pets have to be treated at least 5 days in a row. And in the summer, a lot of sun shine and bathing is good to eliminate them totally. My experience.
Change the situation of your body and enviroment is important. I talked to one doctor overseas once, and comfirmed that. Doctors here just say, "oh, you're allergic!"
During seven years, I got 3 times attacks. and this time I figured out to control the situation without drugs. with natual things instead. I hope other people will also try, and share with us. I don't really use turmeric+neemoil, since I'm not sure if I 'm just allergic to dust mites or not. I planted some garlic yeaterday, and I got a bigger patch of red with small pimples on my leg, so I'm not sure if it is mold.some medicines that treat insect bites also work for mold allergy, since the medicine just dry the top skin up, so to kill the living things in it. what we think as scabies, might as well be mold allergy.
anyways, I'm going abroad this summer, and will consult some doctors, might meet docotrs that know more. it's not easy to meet the exact doctor who knows specificlly this kind of things.Wish me luck. I so much want to help myself and all of you that might or might not have scabies. US doctor rely too heavily on antihistamine and steroid, which just mask the symptom, but the suffering will last forever ,as long as you stop using the medicine.
It's a tragedy that we spent tons of money, but get no real help from doctors who earn top income.