ways to stop them from the begginning
I use live vinegar, olive oil+salt, olive oil+vinegar, turmeric, turmeric+neem, vinegar+salt, baking soda salt bath. anything you see, try them .
usually stops the itch right away, and the red bump will disappear after a while. If you do this long enough, eventually, it will stop to come. Now I'm not getting them every day, so I got some breaks now.
I dry clean eveything I wear once, if not washing them, dry clean my bedding too.I use allergy barrier for my matress and pillow, so I just need to dry once a day the bedding.
treat the scalp too. maybe baking soda is better, but that will make the hair dry initially, people said that if you get used to it, the hair will shine again, I'll try it with some organic conditioner.or vinegar. vinegar really moisturizes.
I put loive oil+salt on my sole after each shower or bath, too soft them, and add
Iodine .
eat VB and live vinegar a lot.
I've got this for three times now. 9 month, 6 month, this time from the middle od October, I bet it might be mites, but not sure what kind of them, or might be detergent. what ever the reson it is, use these natual ways are the best ways I have had.
are the ones I like to read. I'm just a reader, nothing more.