Been swishing for over a month now Sunflower, expeller pressed once a day Rinse with sea-salt water brush with Tom's Natural Toothpaste with Xylitol Rinse with Spry Xylitol mouth wash
I've also started swishing with Colloidal Silver water after oil swish to help with deep pockets.
Things I've noticed that I can directly relate to the oil pulling whiter more opaque teeth fresher breath cleaner teeth and gums even after eating little or no gum pain or bleeding - gums feel nice and tight My thickly calloused deeply cracked heels are almost completely healed. Much less dandruff and hair seems thicker (maybe an allusion since I've let it grow long) much softer skin (especially on legs where I had little white dry skin spots)
I'm still having some problems with deep pockets (thus the CS swishing) I have started using coconut oil and sanding my heals to help them heal faster