Re: Raise of hands please
Have been swishing for one week, only 1 time per day in the early morning after getting up, before drinking or eating, for 5-7 minutes with walnut oil. Longer I never could do it, because it turned so thick so quickly.
Benefits were very clean teeth, nice feeling in my mouth.
I stopped it because I got very constipated from the very day I started it. When I stopped doing it, regular BM’s started to come back. Before I started the swishing I was very regular, when I woke up, I drank a glass of water and then after 10 minutes I needed to go.
Now with the swishing, when I had finished that and cleaned my teeth and then drank my glass of water, the urge to have a BM would never come, not for a whole day. Only a bit in the evening.
After a week I started to get heartburn and the feeling of getting all filled up inside (ewww grosss) so I stopped the swishing and things have returned to normal.
So all in all: Very wonderful procedure to clean the teeth, but the effect on my digestion was not so good.
Anybody any ideas if that could be related? I was doing no other cleansing at that time.