I think that taking a ton of silver over two years would make a decision to do detoxes and liver cleanses a very good one - and do so on a regular basis. While I am not sure about silver itself, it stands to reason that large quantities might have some small effect as they are processed through the liver, and the kidneys too. That is true of lots of the herbal supplements, and of vitamin and mineral supplements too (especially those that are not plant derived and are essentially ground up rocks and synthetic chemicals), and so people who have impaired livers should be careful of adding too many herbals to the stress.
Perhaps the prime consideration is that silver, and a great many other potent supplemental products, kill lots of bad things like cancer cells, bacteria, viruses, etc. - and that in itself causes pathogens to be released and processed through the liver. Overall, silver is actually considered a good liver protector, the same as is oleander (and both have been used successfully separately and together for hep-C). As far as I know, the very best liver protector and regenerator is milk thistle (silymarin). I take 1000 mg daily to help with my own fatty liver. And guess what, Meester Smart A (I love you too, Trapper!), the condition could have been avoided if I had avoided consuming those damned mucousy grain products. Fermented grain products that is! Similarly, I also frequently take CoQ10, to combat the results of similar sins on the ol' cardiac muscles. Ahem.
Sometimes wisdom comes very late, if at all - especially to those of us who seemed determined to stretch our first childhood all the way to our second.