I was wondering if you have thought about another kind of b/c? I also have an iud and I am wanting to stay away from hormonal b/c because of health problems but I'm latex allergic...do you have any suggestions? I have post on this page that have my side affects in them. I know what you mean about not having the money to get it removed too! I won't have the money until September went my job starts. It kinda makes you feel stuck with it doesn't it? Plus my hubby isn't really supporting the idea of removal,he doesn't want anymore kids for a few years. I would like to wait a while too, I just don't want to do anything permanent for now,I'm only 23. Know what I mean? and he really doesn't think that my iud is what in causing my mood swings. He believes the doctor about the low hormon thing and almost no side effects! I wish he had a uterus for a day with an iud stuck in the middle of it, I think he would be singing a different tune!!:)