I'm with you on the law suit sista!! Sorry, but I'm pissed! My niece called me crying the other day because her hands were tingling and she had double vision. She is scheduled for an MRI and already saw an eye doctor and had a CAT scan. She is terrified as they are giving her the impression that she has MS. Funny how when I looked up Mirena, most of the women on the board are being diagnosed as such also.
I told my niece, before reading this board, that you have to know your own body, and do some self-diagnosis, ie., anything new in my body, any new medications, etc.. She said she's had the IUD in for a year, what would make it act up now? I suggested that the U.S. doesn't study enough for new meds or devices, they probably don't know or are hiding it to promote the thing!
As for your symptoms, sounds like it did send you into peri-menopause. Try estrogen instead of progesterone for the insomnia. I am in the midst of menopause at 48 and have been going through it for about 5 years now. Started with the hot flashes, etc., especially the weight gain! My doc just cut my estrogen in half and I'm having trouble sleeping again. So, I know what your going through.
Thanks for the post, and good luck to you!