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Health & my (formerly) brittle nails
High on Water Views: 2,949
Published: 18 y
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Health & my (formerly) brittle nails

I find it utterly amazing - the nails. My awful allergic reaction (to cats) going away was amazing by itself.

The fact that I still no longer have heart palpitations NOR an arrythmia is amazing all by itself!

But the fingernails seems most amazing to me. I don't know why. Perhaps it is because it is an outward thing. Something I can see and feel (and almost WATCH GROW) on a continual basis. They are so incredibly strong now.

Now, if they break, they actually CHIP. They CHIP like those fake nails. Years ago, when I was the office manager for a chiropractor, I was able to afford to get those fake nails. I was always amazed at how "strong" my nails felt when I got them. It was like night and day. It took a bit of getting used to because they wouldn't bend under pressure like "my" nails.

I quit the fake nails because of expense first, but then learned how BAD they are for you and just never went back. However, now that my own natural nails are so much stronger and thicker, I realized (just now reading your post) that they almost feel like those fake nails. My own will bend, but only ever so slightly because they are amazingly strong.

I still can't get over how fast they now grow, either!


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