nice to see you again, sweets. and here you are, stirring the pot. We are trying to ignore the miscreants, ne'er do wells, naysayers and fools.
I have said repeatedly that I think that MH concocts good potions. That's based on hearsay.
His "iodine" potions though? I do believe he's based in Ohio....Ohio's in the goiter belt.....iodine deficient soils.
Although I DO recall MH saying that he uses Lugol's in the garden....
hmmmm.... so I would assume that his plants are a wee bit more iodized than the normal Ohio sad-sack io-deficient plant.
But golly, why not just take the Lugol's in the first place?
I KNOW! It's called a "value-added" product the more you tweak it:)