Didn't anyone notice that you were zonked out after each visit to the dentist?!!
Complete madness!!
My niece got a mercury filling when she was about 5 or 6 which I was quite shocked at. I'm trying to persude my brother to take her to get it out. Interestingly she's not shy at all, quite the opposite!
Anyway that's fantastic that you're now getting improvements in your health! Seems like everyone's getting new personalities after beginning to deal with mercury! ;) Personally I like shyness in people, though I know how debilitating it can be and obviously if it's caused by mercury, it's not a natural way to be. Hope you have fun discovering your new self! :)
Also great that you're having improvements with candida. Have you posted this in the Candida Forum ?
Thanks a lot for posting here and good luck with the detoxing! :)