Re: No, 25 mg DMSA
It's hard for me to say since we are all different, and I don't want to say the wrong thing. If you are concerned, start with 12.5 mg or less.
My initial dose of 25 mg DMSA gave me a feeling of heat,which scared me as it made me expect something bad. I was used to strange feelings meaning something bad. I never had that again after the first dose. My first round of DMSA made me happy, euphoric, energetic, and more flexible. If you react like I did, you will get alot done that weekend, and feel like working out and such. I loved it, I wondered why I had waited so long. NOT ALL PEOPLE FEEL THIS WAY SO DON'T GO BY MY EXPERIENCE.Some people have problems with DMSA and like DMPS better. So, of course I couldn't wait to take it every weekend. But, over time, and I think it started at round 4 or 5, I suddenly developed a yeast problem. I felt like crying for no reason. And, the good feeling decreased with each successive round, which is why I say my ideal schedule is every 5-6 weeks or longer. I minimize yeast while still feeling good, if that makes sense. So in a 6 week period, I do one
Liver Flush and one round of chelation, but not both on the same weekend.
Thryoid, it's hard to say. My tsh was on the high side, and I always felt cold and fatiqued, but not bad enough to be non-functional. I would also have occasional bad thoughts. My white count was historically low, PCOS, lack of cycle, I had hayfever bad, SO I would guess yes, I had a thryoid problem, secondary to mercury and lead toxicity. I also as a child was shy, and what they considered a loner, I felt no strong bonds with people, but with animals instead, but with a high IQ, and quite functional,several grade levels above mine, but different than other children. I had impairment of expressive language, but could write well. I did well on standardized tests. It was only socially for some reason. I was ok with one person, but in a group, I had trouble jumping in or keeping up with all those people talking. I would be thinking of what I wanted to say, but by the time I went to say it, it was too late and the conversation had moved on so what I was about to say would become inappropriate. It's hard to explain, but made me hate being in a group. My initial more serious physical symptom came right after one of my first liver flushes. My adrenals failed during the night. A helpful site to explain this is Gail's thyroid tips. But, I went to the wrong dr. He gave me a DMSA challenge test, which I didn't know was bad. I felt sick after that. It came back positive and he started me on Vitamins which contained ALA. I got really sick here, with tremors, memory loss, loss of brain function ( I was a former spelling bee champion who could not spell the word "was", I remember looking at that word and being confused!), legs jerking at night, stiff cracking joints, compulsive thinking of music in my head, increased bad thoughts, thyroid hot and throbbing(very weird!), peeing all night with large volumes, heart palpitations and racing pulse, hot flashes, restlessness and inablity to sleep at night, confusion, not knowing where I was, feeling like my car was rolling over, dizziness, low blood pressure, mutliple chemical sensitivities, I could go on here, but you get the idea.
I finally got the sense to stop all supplements, dump my dr, and then found the Cutler site.
Most of those symptoms went away or improved with the first round. Most notably, the tremors and leg jerking and thyroid throbbing and cycle returned. Around the second or third round the peeing got better, and I found myself speaking more easily, I mean, more easily thinking of the words I wanted to say instantly. The others are almost gone, so by round 16 all I have left are fatique, tendency to gain weight, bad memory, and the music in my head, and joint stiffness and I belive a hormonal inbalance.
So my best guess is yes, you will see improvements after one round, maybe big ones? Some things are so subtle it is hard to say exactly when they improved. Just remember to go very slow as far as dosage. Nope, no where near VA, sorry.
Good luck, and best wishes.