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Re: WOW - fantastic post
boronia Views: 4,821
Published: 20 y
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Re: WOW - fantastic post

Your story is *very* interesting and inspiring :)

Like the previous poster I can too relate strongly to (some of what) you say re personality. I KNOW mercury toxicity is connected to a lot of my physical symptoms but it's very interesting to think how certain personality traits are also due to merc poisoning.

I had a high IQ as a child (not sure about nowadays lol!). According to Andy, kids who are above average intelligent are more susceptible to mercury toxicity. I was/am also fairly shy, and was sometimes a loner as a child and just didn't feel like I always fitted in. My mum had to really encourage me to go out and play! Also as a teenager and in adulthood, being *extremely* self-conscious and oversensitive, having poor social skills in groups and keeping up with more dominant people etc and much better on a one to one or on the phone (in fact sometimes easier on the phone!). I used to have panic attacks all the time and felt I had to get drunk to be able to speak to people!!
I was also bullied as a child and maybe this had a lot to do with it.

For me these traits became more pronounced after vaccines (with thimerosal), but were always there really. Also looking back from what I remember things may have become worse following having mercury Amalgams as an adult.

I've always assumed these traits were a combination of life experiences, learnt behaviour or inherited traits as both my parents have similar qualities esp my dad who used to be *extremely* shy with lots of difficulties talking to people. I don't know how much mercury I was exposed to as a child, my mum tells me I didn't have any mercury fillings as a child as 'baby' fillings don't contain mercury. I don't know if any vaccines I had contained mercury. Of course there are other sources of mercury.

Counselling has helped a lot with my confidence in relation to getting on and interacting with people.

The fact that a lot of your personality has completely changed is quite amazing and just proves that mercury was a major factor for you.

Thanks for posting and good luck with your continued chelation!




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