Re: No, 25 mg DMSA
I am going to start DMSA this weekend and was wondering if I could email you directly with some questions.. I am a little hesitant and would love to talk with you if you are willing. mostly, what time did you start the DMSA... first thing in the morning or what... do you do it with food or empy stomach.....what are the exact supplements you take when you are chelating...should I do coffeee eneamas during the three days to support the liver... will I feel worse for those three days or shortly after...any other suggesstions for the actual three days would be so appreciated.
I got my
Amalgams out with the Huggins protoclol in march... I was off the charts for almost all of the metals with lead being the highest and was called mercury retentive as i was very low in mercury indicating that I was holding on to it. my symptoms are throat movements throughout the night, mouth twitching, jerking, "weird head" feeling, strange feeling in the back of the neck, sometimes an oddsensation will come over me when I am drifiting off to sleep, an internal vibration in my body, floaters in the eyes, and sometimes an overall drowsy sleepy feling will take over me. I have also had great days since the removal, but these underlying symptoms seem to remain to one degee or another even with
Liver Flushes and organ cleansing. do you think I would benifit from DMSA? Thank YOU!, healing