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Re: No, 25 mg DMSA
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Re: No, 25 mg DMSA

Hi healing,

I answered by post because I think these are good questions for people to read.

I normally take DMSA every four hours at 9, 1, 5, etc but it depends on your shedule as to when you are most comfortable waking up. For me, food or not does not matter. I just dump it into a half glass of water. Sometimes if I am out in a restaurant or party, I dump the powder into my mouth and chase it down with water because I don't want to leave the residue in someone elses glass. I don't find the taste unpleasant. I was very pleased with my reaction to it, but, I have heard of other people who do not tolerate it.

The most important thing is to start with less than you think you should, especially if you are very sick, and to take it every 4 hours even through the night. My dr said 50 mg, but I started at 25, 12.5 is also a good start. If you get no symptoms, don't be in a hurry to raise the dose, more is not better. I understand people are in a hurry to get well, but you want to be able to function at work too.

I would also start out at least 2 weeks apart. I found my best regimen to be one weekend Friday-Sunday every 4-6 weeks. It does get tiring getting up at night, and you will develop a yeast problem if you do it too often, which has alot of bad symptoms in itself.

Ideally, I would have a series of colonics before, but I didn't do this and was ok. If you get symptoms, I would start a plain filtered water enema first, and save the coffee for when you really need it. I don't think it is good to do coffee as often as people say, I try to be as natural as possible, for me it is usally every 3-6 weeks. For that matter, I am also conservative about water ones, I'm a big baby!

I didn't really take many supplements, initially Isocort for adrenal failure, but mostly just DMSA and Grapefruit-Seed-Extract for yeast when I needed it. Occasionally vitamins B and C, but we are all individuals here.

I had alot of the same symptoms and some additional ones. It went to my thyroid and my next would feel hot and pulsing. Lots of night symptoms too. Now my main problem is fatique and memory.

Good luck, and remember, go slow!


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