20 y
Re: WOW - fantastic post
The reason I know the personality things were due to metals is they were one of the first thing to change with chelation, so it was quite noticible, even to me. I surprised myself by speaking so well! Usually, when my boss would ask me a question, I sounded like an idiot. I knew the answer and what I wanted to say but could not say it. Even now the words I come out with I can't believe. They were words I knew the meaning of and could write or spell, but not be able to come up with them in speech normally. Interestingly enough, I aced the tests so I was exempt from English in college. So, I know from the timing and the abruptness and the scope of the changes what did it. It's like a light suddenly switched on. Is it the mercury or lead or both, I don't know. My best guess from talking to others is mercury.
For example, I disliked being touched, kissed, hugged, etc when I was a child, and that is not a problem for me now. I am much more social. I never wanted children, but now I do. I didn't care if I had friends but now I do. I have more empathy for people. I used to get harmful thoughts that would come out of the blue for no reason. Being a nice, decent person, I would wonder where that came from, since I knew it was not how I truly felt, or anything like me at all. Luckily they were rare, and I recognized them as foreign, and could very easily dismiss them. I knew it was somthing physical. Not a problem now. Also I am less sensitive to light and sound, but still more so than most people. Motorcycles, loud TVs, metal music, etc, really irritate me.
With the liver flush, I think my organs had been weakend over time by the mercury to begin with. It is possible it may have released something stored.