Re: The basic CURE for depression!
Firstly, each and every "body" is different, and various forms of
Depression are alleviated by various treatments & there's no way anyone can say for sure what will work best for you.
However, there is knowledge and information that can assist us in making our decisions.
The Master Cleanse is good for detoxing or cleansing certain systems (the digestive tract/colon and tissues), but it's doesn't actually cleanse the liver - in fact, even though it aids the liver in one way (because there's no chemical toxins or bad things going into your body for your liver to neutralize), it can actually encourage sludge & 'stones' to form in the liver/gallbladder because without oil daily, the main reason the liver makes/releases bile is absent. If you'll check on the
Master Cleanse Forum , you'll see it's recommended to do a
Liver Flush after a Master Cleanse for exactly this reason.
I'm a bit confused with this:
>>I suffer Post natal
Depression and have done for 2 years now<< You've had post natal
Depression for two years? OR you've done
The Master Cleanse 2 times? in two years? ??? If you're dealing with depression 2 years after the birth of a child, it's no longer "post natal" - it's just depression.
Water Fast can NOT do what a
Liver Flush does (as noted above with the Master Cleanse), nor can it do what a
colonic does.
Liver Flushing cleanses the liver by causing large amounts of bile to be produced/released, and the bile courses through the biliary network, cleansing all the accumlulations of stale bile and toxic sludge that has accumlated. Anything that severely reduces the oil/fats in your diet, does the OPPOSITE of liver cleansing.
In a colonic, 5-10 gallons of water go through your lower bowel. Drinking 5 gallons of water a day would be dangerous - and it would not have the same effect as that much water administered in a very short time to a very small area.
If you can afford to do the Master Cleanse, you can certainly afford to do a Liver Flush...all you need for a
Liver Flush is 1/2 cup of olive oil, 1/2 cup of citrus juice and a few tablespoons of
Epsom Salts .
'Hope that gives you some of the info you need.