Re: Bleesed are the poor in spirit,...EDITED
This week has been a very busy one and I had to be very selective with my time, that's why I couldn't really get back to you LarryB until now. I won't make any secret about my cynicism, trying to find true honest to goodness in this world is like looking for a needle in a haystack. It gets worse as you grow older and learn more about the world and what's going the North American Union and the Amero that will replace the American dollar in 3 years (see what I mean...depressing).
God has remained faithful and true by sending His Son to retrieve us so that we can return to Him in heaven.
I am not so familiar with the exact meaning of "karma" except that it could be described as conscientious behavior, character, fighting/aggressive spirit or gentle spirit/attitude. One of the worst misunderstandings in Christianity is that the concept of "SPIRIT" is exclusive to a celestial agent. Our character/spirit/attitudes should resemble that of God's spirit (peaceful, non-aggressive, a desire for objective truth, principled in right from wrong, being just/fair, and respecting absolutes). As much as I know about karma, that probably is a general description (in the context of reincarnation, God wouldn't need to recycle us), and summed up, that is basically all that is expected of us by God (but for purification of our souls also, we need to accept and claim His Son and His deed on the cross as the purification of our souls). The traditional teachings in the church buildings (and from pastors, churchgoers, scholars, priests/ministers) complicate it so much. Jesus gave us the "Great Commission" to spread the "GOSPEL" (the life and times of Jesus on earth that include the crucifixion). Jesus was very specific about "GOSPEL" so that we wouldn't scare everybody away with the message of the WHOLE bible (condemnation of SIN). IF a person really is sincere in their heart and mind (has a contrite and gentle spirit), they will just naturally have a desire to learn as much as they can about God by reading the New Testament (too much confusion reading the Old Test., it's good for understanding prophecy and history).
This world is depressing/disappointing to a person with a Godly character. No doubt there is something such as 'nutritional' depression, but a person with a Godly character (contrite/pure heart) would definitely feel emotional/spiritual depression.
When I was young, my dad was gracious to me because of our love for each other (I didn't EARN anything when I took out the garbage, it was simply my turn).
LOVE is not a business deal. LOVE is not a "scale" where God weighs "good" and "bad". God is not a book. God is not a religion. God is where we all come from, God is the "ORIGIN"/creator (cosmic reality), but the Christian bible is the only scripture that tells of His "lamb" (lamb of God, the savior of humanity).
I can't help but think that
Depression is normal for a Godly character, but some people are not hardnosed holdouts for justice. At birth, we are still living as God meant us to be, but as we grow, we learn the ways of the world and forget (are distracted). I was always "stubborn".