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Re: My deep depression and search for spirituality
Larryb Views: 3,967
Published: 18 y
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Re: My deep depression and search for spirituality

"i too read a lot... but am becoming really bored with much of what i read...
basically aren't they are all saying the same thing... "all is well"... "

In that case you may really like "When Things Fall Apart.." by Pema Chondron. It says exactly the opposite of "all is well". It says that there is no security, we're all on constantly shifting ground, there's nobody in the sky that's going to reach down and make it all better, etc. For some reason this really snapped me out of feeling depressed when I read it. I think it's because Depression is often seated in the sadness that comes from believing in the illusion of security, permanence and even significance in the world. I.E. when a family member passes or becomes estranged, when job security ends, relationships end, our bodies and minds change for the worse, etc. All these things happen eventually, its our own delusion of permanence that makes the inevitable seem catastrophic.

So paradoxically our quest for comfort, familiarity, continuity, even meaning can be our own worst enemies when we're depressed. Had to imagine that kind of thinking could snap me out of a funk so spectacularly, but it did.


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