Thanks for your response.... I recently tried a soap with something called Sea Buchthorn in it - it's supposed to help with Human Demodex - not that I'm sure that's what I have. But it was worth a try. And, it does kill a number of creatures when I use it. I told my husband I'd love to find a spa where I can just soak in Sea Buckthorn for hours...he laughed. One thing that has given me moments of relief has been "Sea Breeze" astringent. When I pour that on a weeping wound sometimes a critter seems to crawl out. Sometimes it's a black speck looking thing. Sometimes it's a clear worm looking thing with a barbed end - it never wants to let go and hurs like hell when it does. I wonder if it's the menthol or clove... I have also tried putting Vicks Vapor Rub over small areas and I can sometimes have luck but it's thick, so I'm not sure whether they can push through. I wonder if I could find some spa with some remedy of clove or menthol or something to draw out toxins. I was also reading a post tonight about how Castor Oil Packs are supposed to do that. I had no idea.
Thanks for your thoughts and suggestions. They are appreciated! Katherine