I am 30 weeks pregnant. I saw many stretch marks on my body. I need a suggestion of good stretch removing cream. My friend suggests me TriLASTIN Coupons, but I never ever use this product before. Anyone having the experience to use this cream? I need some more suggestion.
Stretch marks are caused by sudden weight loss or weight gain or sometimes due to lack of physical activity. I think having water/juice fast will reduce stretch marks, but to reduce stretch marks in an effective way regular exercise and massage like massage palper-rouler with any oil is a must all over the affected area. Strength training exercises firm the skin and reduce the look of stretch mark while massage rejuvenates the skin and improves dead cells and helps to build new cells eliminating stretch marks.
Sometimes they do and sometimes they don't. It really dependso n the person. Read a review on a famous scar cream that claims to remove stretch marks within a few weeks here
I have read your blog its amazing.
I've recently purchased ketone strips to measure my ketones, I know they dont start showing until around day three but thats always been fun for me.
What is your take on brushing your teeth?..also what about taking multivitamins/ sea salt/vitamin c during the fast.. i don't really want to but would rather be safe than sorry
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