Hi Chris, LivingBlessed and others,
Wow this is an old thread. I am 52 (not far off 53 ;)) and have been fasting on and off since November 2007.
Here's my history,
my 5 previous fasts can be clearly seen and the 6th I have just started jointly with bella lucia.
Considering that I have come down from BMI 42 (118Kg or 260lbs) to BMI 29 (83Kg or 183lbs), Im happy to say that I don't have any loose skin yet. However I do intend to come down to BMI 21 or at least under 20% body fat (any recommendations anyone?), which I think will be in the 57 to 65Kg range. So still a lot to go.
When fasting, I can visibly see my body get smaller over a period of a few days, and I am able to put my hands either side of my stomach and and squeeze the fat together, then I can see that there is a lot of skin present. If the fat disappears, I am left wondering whether or not the skin will tighten up, and how long it will take. I am also aware that the greatest changes will take place when I get thinner.
Now I think my maths is right here, but if you gradually reduce the area of a circle, namely a cross section of my body at my waist, then the greater changes in circumference will take place as the circle gets smaller. In non mathematical terms, 20 lbs of fat lost at 200
pounds wont make that much difference to your waist, but 20 lbs lost when you weigh 100
pounds will. In other words, as you get thinner, the skin has to tighten up more quickly for the same amount of weight lost. Think of a deflating airbed, the cover gets all crumply at the end. So I am a bit concerned that I may get loose skin as things progress, however I have been reassured by what people have said on this forum.
That said, I have been taking precautions, such as taking longer breaks between fasts, doing a bit of dry skin brushing now and then, and I considered cocoa butter but have not used this yet.
For me the proof will be in the pudding. I will report how things go as I progress, and will take photos if there are any problems. However it's interesting to note this reference of a rebounder again. Maybe I should get one after all.
I would be over the moon if I can get to my target weight and not suffer any loose skin, but would still be delighted if it is fairly minimal. From what I have read in this thread, fasting is the best way. Maybe dry fasting in the final stages, who knows.