While I agree with a lot of what you say there are two issues:
When I mention institionalized people, that means people who are not free to use alternative means. They are stuck in hospitals, nursing homes, or prisons.
I am confronting this with my mother. They will not administer any vitamns or enzymes that are not prescribed by a docter.
Trust me there are reams of data from diciplines in microbiology, engineering and at last direct examination of the tissue removed from chronic sinusitis sufferers. 88% of the CS patients had the biofilm, and NONE, repeat NONE OF THE CONTROLS.
All that is necessary to get a mucoid strain is to have the flu which kills off the cilia, and then for the bad bacteria to be present or to beath in the wrong bacteria on dust while your nasal passages are vulnerable. You don't even have to eat the wrong food. Just breath in the wrong place. A guy that worked for the CDC published a paper to this effect in the 80s as I remember, and then he retired.
If you publish anything that does NOT affirm the party line of proscribing surgery, allergy shots, cortisone and antihistimans for life, then the medical establishment either establishes a cone of silence around you, or goes about applying pressure to 'retire".
Docters are in general very bright people, and why they behave like this and have allowed themselves to be bullied into line like sheep is beyond me. I can' think that they can really be very happy about it.
The goo produced by e-coli is a beta amyloid, humans do not produce this protein. amyloidosis is a common denominator in pathologies from heart disease, to cereberial amyloid agniopathy, where goo blocks the blood vessels in the brain, to macular degeneration, altzheimers is caused when amyloid kills the mitochondria in nerve cells. Vaccines that immunize us to goo forming bacteria could wipe out everything from dental carries to diabeties, once THEY admit the infectious origin of these pathologies, instead of calling then immune system disfunctions or genetic diseases. Take cystic fibrosis. It is a disease characterized by obstructive, sticky mucus in the sinuses, lungs and alamentary tract. It is said to be because of a genetic variation that causes a characteristic cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance factor which wrecks the salt balance in the mucus that the person produces. When the Mayo Clinic surveyed people who had been diagnosed with cystic fibrosis they found the variation in transmembrane conductance in 50%. If you have two variation one finding 50% people have one is the defination of chance, a
2. The mucoid forming bacteria is still there in your sinuses. Trust me.
How long would you sinuses stay clear if you went into a nursing home?
they can be eradicated, but it takes a combination therapy.
A vaccination against the red staining varient of e-coli, which forms the base everything else attaches to including fungus.
There is a wild variation among the e and I think that they will find that CS suffers have only the amyloid forming varient. if they would just look.
Eliminating the protective calyx of psudeo with enzymes, preventing it from growing back, repopulating the area with a non-mucoid forming bacteria.
There are lots of avenues to presue, but until the condition is recognised as bacterial, and until the docters admit that the mucus in the sinuses of CS sufferers is not a product of goblet cells, but is purely a bacterial product, complete with toxins, then nothing is going to be done for our institutionalized relatives..
2. The medical schools are heavily federally subdidized. The paradigm that is used, IE STERIAL Inflammatory process has no experimental basis. It is an intellectual fiction.
We are paying our tax dollars to have them teach provable untruths. We are paying our tax dollars for people to be given a hard time when the ineffective treatments do not produce the results the doctors are trained to expect.
What can be proved is that you can not culture actinomycetes or fungus out of the mucus if you mix the culture media with a bunch of cloroheximide.
You also can not do a revelent gram stain of mucoid bacteria because when you hit the slide with Gram's iodine, the whole thing turns black.
If they could not kill it using the wrong type of antibotic,
culture it using the wrong technique,
or see it using the wrong preparation method,
And all mammals other than primatpes produce very high levels of vitiman C in their epitheial cells, so examining the nasal tract of mice and hampsters is meaningless to us, we don't make our own vitiman C and are thus much more vulnerable.
instead of looking at the results of other methods, the GODS of MEDICINE declared that there must be no bacteria, fungi or atinomycetes there, that the resulting viscus mucus, containing protiens that the human genome does not have and matching DNA or RNA to make must have been produced by the immune system gone haywire. (They tried antibotics that kill only rapidly deviding cells, while those the center of the biofilm wait until the antibotic is gone to devide, antibotics are after all derived from their achient enemies), or culture it (acutally it growes well, they just put a bunch of cloroheximide in the media to suppress "contaminate" growth, and the cloroheximide retards the growth in the mucus. When was the last time that your nose produced cloroheximide? and ignored any microscopic tech other than the sacramental GRAM STAIN.
But then the medical community was always more comfortable with "spontanious generation' than with the germ theory. Koch was not a Docter, he was an engineer.
bacteria and curli and filiments are readily observed with the laser confocal microscope, and or after desication and plateing with an atomic layer of gold so that they can be observed with the scanning electron microscope, but the structures can also be seen even under a good 200 power optical microscope with an india ink resist or a pcr stain, because bacteria and the filiments that they use to hold themselves togther srink 20 to 50 times with they are dryed what you can see with a binocular scope hydrated, that is .0005" in diameter will be .00001 in diameter after it has been prepared, and require a much more powerful scope.
Hello..I am a person who has multiple parasite issues. I have white worms in my sinus cavaties, they are always the same when they start to die off. I read on the internet other people who has had this issue.
But I really would like to identify exactly what they are, so I can find a remedy to get them expelled.
I can't find a post that states exactly what the beasties are. :(
Any help is great appreciated.
Thank You!
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