I would continually spray Colloidal Silver on the area without scaping anything off first.
A neighbor had a infected toe nail so bad she could wear a slipper or shoe because of the pain and swelling. I gave her some CS, and the next day the pain was gone along with much of the swelling to the point that she could put on a slipper.
A few days later of soaking the toe in CS it healed completely. In your case it can't be soaked, but with continual spaying of CS it should do the same.
CS is purported to kil in the neighborhood of 650 Viruses, and bacteria.
Good luck what ever you do.
When consuming any herb, do not take capsules for best results. They are not easily absorbed in this form and often burned in the powdering process.
This is not true. A small amount of heat is generated during the grinding process, but not enough to "burn" the herbs. And capsules are readily dissolved in the stomach.
Take them in the form of herbal tinctures. The alcohol in the tinctures release much more of the healing phytochemicals that cure and prevent disease and so more is extracted from the plant than in a tea and certainly a capsule.
I rarely touch tinctures for a few reasons. One the tinctures DO NOT extract all the beneficial compounds in plants such as the fibers. Alcohol can also neutralize the active components of some plants. Then there is the higher cost of tinctures as well as having to deal with the alcohol. Yes, the amount of alcohol is generally low, but some people prefer to avoid alcohol altogether for various reasons. Certain plants though such as resins and yerba mansa require very strong concentrations of alcohol for th extraction.
Due to the various drawbacks with tinctures I rarely ever recommend them and prefer powders. One of the few exceptions is when a quick response is needed, such as to stop an asthma attack. Otherwise the higher cost of the tinctures is not worth the few minutes difference in absorption compared to taking powders on an empty stomach. For example, I can buy a bottle of nettle leaf tincture for $11.00, which will last me maybe a month, and I will again lose certain beneficial compounds like the silica rich fiber. For the same cost I can buy several pounds of nettle leaf powder that will last about 8 months and I will not lose any of the benefits of the herb from extraction.
With a tincture it goes directly into the bloodstream bypassing digestion, which is especially important for those with poor digestion.
They go directly in to the bloodstream IF and only IF they are taken sublingually and the molecule size is small enough for absorption. Certain plant compounds such as saponins and resins are not made to absorb in to the bloodstream and are very dangerous if they are. But since most of the beneficial compounds in plants such as alkaloids and glycosides are water soluble they will extract just fine in the stomach even if someone has poor digestion. Poor digestion is normally from the lack of stomach acid, which affects protein breakdown, not the soluble extraction of compounds.
2nd best would be a tea.
Teas also have their drawbacks. The biggest drawback is that many of the nutrients and beneficial alkaloids in plants are heat sensitive. By making a tea out of many plants you are actually destroying or volatilizing many of the beneficial properties. Echinacea, yohimbe and high essential oil herbs are examples. There are a few herbs that have heat stable compounds though such as pau d' arco. As a general rule though I use teas for flavor and powdered herbs for medicine. The other problem is that all the active compounds in plants are not water soluble. For example chaparral and myrrh cannot be properly extracted in tea since both are resinous and resins and water do not mix.
Also excellent for the heart is cayenne, the hotter the better.
Cayenne is way over rated. Cayenne primarily dilates the superficial blood vessels, not the deeper primary blood vessels. And it is short in duration. Prickly ash bark is a much better choice. Prickly ash bark does a better job of dilating the deeper primary blood vessels than cayenne and the effects are much longer lasting.
Cayenne's advantage is that it is rich in natural aspirin, which can help thin the blood. Although this is also a problem for people with salicylate sensitivities.
Organic or wildcrafted herbs should always be used over conventional herbs as they contain 7-10 times more of the valuable plant chemicals (phytochemicals/nutrients)
This is true of wildcrafted herbs, but not organic herbs. The higher phytochemical/nutrient levels of wildcrafted herbs comes from the stresses the plants experience in the wild. They generate these higher levels of phytochemicals as a protective response. Farm raised herbs whether conventionally or organically grown are not subjected to the stresses that wild herbs are and therefore they do nto produce the higher levels of phytochemicals/nutrients.
3. For Uric Acid and Gout: Lemon juice 1 glass every day (I hear that Cherry juice will also help this condition)
Tart cherry juice, not sweet cherry. Raw apple juice from green apples will also work It is the malic acid in the tart cherries and green apples that dissolves the uric acid. You can also buy straight malic acid from wine making supply companies. Another benefit of malic acid is that it raises ATP levels, which helps the cells to function and function properly.
6. For Problems Breathing and Heart palpitaions: Hawthorn Berries - 4 Capsules of 500 mg or 2 capsules 1000 mg when needed.
Look for a combination of the flowers, leaves and berries since they work synergistically. The flowers are actually the strongest part of the plant, but it is not sold by itself. You can find the combination though.
There are better options though such as magnesium malate, which not only dilates the coronary artery to prevent the ectopic pacemakers that cause the palpitations, but it also dilates the bronchioles that help with breathing. I also like coleus forskohlii, which also dilates the blood vessels and bronchioles. Forskohlii also slows the heart contractions while strengthening the heart contractions making it a great choice for congestive heart failure. Taking it with nettle leaf will prolong the effects. Nettle leaf also strengthens the kidneys and reduces uric acid.
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