There are very few companies here in the states that have remedies in the high dosage I took - but one of them is Washington Homeopathic Products.
You don't need much - 1 oz will do - you will wind up taking Much LESS than that to get you on a better condition.
NOTE: IF you start to see unexplicable Scratches on your foot and leg - STOP Immediately. Your body has enough.
I am working on finding a antidote for UREA because so far I have found no place that tell you that. And those scratcches on your leg become hard to heal for a diabetic like me.
The closest remedy to antidote that so far that I have found has been Chamomilla 30C. So if you start getting those scratches, try that.
Hope this helps.
God bless.
P.S. Try the TEA MIXTURE I recommended of Hibiscus and Chrysanthemum tea. You will find unbelievable relief right within the FIRST WEEK.