Using an "oscillating magnetic field generator" to apply this new type of therapy is a painless and effective way to get rid of bacterial infections. I have had various successes against bacteria (urinary tract infection, dental infection, etc) using it. Just do a search on Yahoo or ask me where to buy one. Here's one doctors testimony using it against throat problems: "I had a medical trial on patients suffering tonsillitis and laryngitis. I had used the Magnetic Pulser_5K, 50 pulses each side of the neck on the tonsils and throat, and ALL the patients had resolution of the problem. The quantity of patients on this trial is 20, and every one showed the same good results. A Dr. Corina, who has depressed antibody levels due to radiation and chemotherapy against cancer, suffered frequent and very strong (sometimes putting her life at risk) infection of the throat and pharynx, (with extreme glottis edema) and was using strong corticoids and antibacterial drugs... NO MORE, she felt a fast and effective resolution of this disease."