I'm careful... I'm healthy... I 've never had any problems with my kidneys... and my Google searches say you can't harm yourself, if you take food-grade diatomaceous earth (FGDE).
However, in the last 5-10 days I've developed a dull PAIN in or about my left kidney.
Further, yesterday I couldn't even walk, because of painful muscle cramps in my right leg.
Today, thank God, I'm able to walk again. However I still have the same dull PAIN in my left kidney.
My question is, why do I have this kidney pain?
Probably because I took 2 x 1 heaping tablespoons of FGDE for 25 days.
And probably because at the same time I also overate high-potassium fruits such as bananas.
However, my Google searches say
A) the DE won't cause any harm, and
B) the painful muscle cramps are caused by low potassium blood levels.
However, high potassium blood levels can also cause muscle cramps. View ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3471402/
The issue is probably hyperkalemia after I overate bananas. View ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3471402
Here is a different explanation: If you have a very low kidney function -- and I don't -- harmful potassium-levels can build up in your bloodstream, because your kidney can't get rid of potassium. View bbc.com/news/magazine-34225517
Here is another, different, explanation: "The pain might be the Herxheimer effect which is the toxins released due to the killing of the parasites. View curezone.com
Based on all of this, I'm making some changes.
1) Five days ago I cut my FGDE to 1 (one) heaping tbsp per day.
2) Two days ago I completely stopped the intake of FGDE.
3) Yesterday I drank a lot of water to get rid of potassium.
4) Yesterday I allso started taking "Now Kidney Cleanse" and "Solaray Total Cleanse, Kidneys".
5) Today I stopped eating high-potassium foods.
However I'm still having the same dull pain in my left kidney.
My question is, why do I STILL HAVE this kidney pain?
What else can I do?
AND, am I on the right track?
I am not a doctor or medically trained, therefore you should check multiple sources to verify the safety of anything that I mention.
Secondary hypertension can be caused by Hypothyroidism.
Secondary HTN by definition results from an identifiable cause. This type is important to recognize since it is treated differently than essential HTN, by treating the underlying cause of the elevated BP. HTN results compromise or imbalance of the pathophysiological mechanisms, such as the hormone-regulating endocrine system, that regulate blood plasma volume and heart function. Many conditions cause HTN. Some are common and well-recognized secondary causes such as Cushing's syndrome, which is a condition where the adrenal glands overproduce the hormone cortisol.[20] In addition, HTN is caused by other conditions that cause hormone changes such as hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, and adrenal gland cancer. Other common causes of secondary HTN include kidney disease, obesity/metabolic disorder, pre-eclampsia during pregnancy, the congenital defect known as coarctation of the aorta, and certain prescription and illegal drugs.
You will need to thoroughly check out anything that I list because I cannot check whether they could potentially cause problems or interact with something she is already taking. It would be worth determining what is actually causing the HTN because the treatment necessary could be different.
Hawthorn Berry/flowers - The effect is fairly mild but in combination with other herbs it can provide benefit. It does also provide anthocyanidins and proanthocyanidins which can benefit the circulatory system. Other berries can also provide benefit.
Pycnogenol (pine bark extract) - Affects only systolic, reducing Stage One hypertensives (140-159) to about 133 mm Hg.
Stevia (stevioside) - Reduces systolic by 10-14 mm and diastolic by 6-14 mm.
Cat’s claw (There are a number of different varieties of this herb, Traditional Chinese Medicine was mentioned where I read this so the Chinese variety is probably the better option - Another herb used in TCM, cat’s claw is traditionally used to treat high blood pressure as well as neurological health problems.
“Cat’s claw has also been shown to inhibit platelet aggregation and blood clot formation. This means that cat’s claw could likely be helpful in warding of heart attacks and strokes by not only decreasing blood pressure and increasing circulation, but by also inhibiting the formation of plaque and blood clots in the arteries, heart and brain.
Clinical studies indicate that cat’s claw may reduce blood pressure by acting as a calcium channel blocker. Calcium channel blockers widen and relax blood vessels themselves, which helps blood flow in a healthy, smooth manner.
There are a number of different natural Calcium Channel Blocking herbs available and empolying different herbs might be helpful.
1. Celery seeds
2. Garlic
3. Hawthorne berries
4. Cat’s claw
5. Lavender flowers
6. Cinnamon
A 2006 study demonstrated that cinnamon reduces high blood pressure in diabetics. The researchers noted that cinnamon reduces systolic blood pressure in people without diabetes as well. Scientists are not yet sure how cinnamon lowers blood pressure.
“... it does seem that cinnamon reduces the amount of circulating insulin, which may explain why it's effective for those with diabetes. It was found that a half a teaspoon a day is enough to reduce your blood pressure levels.
Warning: For some people, using large amounts of cinnamon can cause flushing and irritate their GI tract, the lining of their mouths, and even cause gingivitis. So, start with a very small amount and slowly increase your intake until you are consuming 1⁄2 teaspoon per day. Also, avoid Cassia cinnamon (Cinnamomum aromaticum) for medicinal use. The cassia plant contains Coumarin, which is toxic in large doses.
7. Yarrow
Yarrow is legendary for its ability to heal wounds, but clinical research studies have proven yarrow’s ability to lower blood pressure as well. A study published in the journal Phytotherapy Research proved yarrow lowered blood pressure by acting as a vasodilator.
“These results indicate that Achillea millefolium exhibits hypotensive, cardiovascular inhibitory and bronchodilatory effects, thus explaining its medicinal use in hyperactive cardiovascular and airway disorders, such as hypertension and asthma.
Indian Snakeroot
This herb has been used for years traditionally to treat many problems related to the heart. Indian snakeroot (rauwolfia serpentina) does improve cardiovascular health by lowering the blood pressure. This herb has high levels of alkaloid reserpine, a powerful compound that regulates heart function in the body. This is extremely helpful when heart issues or blood pressure is due to stress or high levels of anxiety. - I would urge caution with this herb because it can also affect a persons mood causing depression. It does have some powerful effects on Bacterial Efflux Pumps and that is the only reason that I would use it. It also causes Bradycardia which another herb I take can also cause therefore I would use this very cautiously possibly with a heart and circulatory stimulating herb.
Vitamin K2-MK4 & MK7 to help keep calcium where it is meant to be rather than the arteries. Vitamin A is also involved in calcium usage and it does help remove/remodel calcium. The higher end of normal might be helpful but blood levels need to be checked to make sure they do not get too high.
Garlic which lineup has already mentioned.
Garlic is a very powerful herb that is well-known to be highly effective for a number of physical ailments. In fact, many of the benefits of garlic are still being discovered. Recent research done at the University of Berlin found that garlic can remove nanoplaque. Nanoplaque is a compound that gets deposited on the walls of cells, which leads to clogged arteries and atherosclerosis. Garlic is known to stop blood clots, lower overall cholesterol levels, which will stop high blood pressure.
Ginkgo Biloba - I avoid this because it does tend to lower/reduce Glutathione levels and there were other effects which I did not like the sound of but I cannot remember what that was.
Ginkgo biloba can thin the blood while dilating your blood vessels, which allow the blood to circulate more easily, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center. This popular herb is also high in important antioxidants, terpenoids, and flavonoids, which are known to lower blood pressure, which improves the health of your heart.
Buchu is a South African medicinal plant that has also been scientifically proven to be effective in lowering blood pressure. It’s a natural diuretic and anti-inflammatory agent, making it a safe and effective treatment for high blood pressure. Early Dutch settlers used buchu to make a brandy tincture, which is still used today to treat many disorders.
You can find buchu supplements online in the form of capsules or dried leaves which can be used to brew a tea. There is no proven safe dosage recommendation, though you can try
1-2 gms taken in capsule form thrice a day
125-0.25 fluid ounces, if you get the fluid extract
Use 1-2 teaspoons of buchu leaves to brew a tea by infusing in a cup of water for 5 minutes. You can have this tea twice a day.
10-20 drops of tincture in a glass of water, thrice a day
Caution: If you want to use buchu as a medicine to treat hypertension, increase your intake of potassium rich foods like green vegetables and bananas. Pregnant women are advised not to take therapeutic amounts of buchu as it may work as an abortive.
Bacopa monnieri (Bacoside A)
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