I’ve been battling some type of worm infestation for the last 3 years. I use to feel constant movement from head to toe and now mostly isolated to head area.
They start on the right side and I have to sleep on the left side for them to move and slide down my left ear canal. It’s been constant for years now. It’s awful!! It keeps me up at night and it doesn’t matter what kind of medication I take it’s just never ending.
I’ve had more than three stool test, all negative taken videos of them and showed my gp and sent me to a gastro, again came back saying colon clean as a whistle. Yet they’re still there moving around in my body.
I’ve taken 4 rounds of prazi with albenzadole. I’ve taken
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement , benonite clay, DE, I do daily
H2O2 (Hydrogen-Peroxid) enamas and every morning there’s long white and about 2 foot long worms.
The full moon is in a few days and the movement has started ramping up I’ve taken a dose of Equimax plus in the am and safeguard at night seems to help more it feels more like they disintegrate instead of full in tact worm sliding down in my head. They can be branched when I release from enemas like there’s 2 or three coiled up into one.
I’m so frustrated I don’t know what to do anymore I’m taking all the meds and seems like I’m making minimal progress. I’ve even started taking DEC that I ordered off of eBay for filiaris and nothing really seems to kill them off permanently.
What worms are that long?? They’re scattered everywhere and I feel the bottom of my feet vibrate sometimes and my left arm seems to move involuntarily from time to time mostly at night and feels like maybe a worm crosses a nerve or something. Ugh just so frustrating when will it end what am I not doing??