Hi everyone, Can I take betaine HCL together with the B Vitamins, TMG,zinc and bitters for a couple of weeks. Because i am low in stomach acid. So I plan to take the betaine HCL to help me absorb the vitamins?
So can I take all these supplements at the same time?
Pretty much. I would take the trimethylglycine (TMG) separately from the betaine HCl though as TMG is the alkaline version of betaine. So it will reduce the acidity of the betaine HCl.
Thanks HV!!!!your advice is an inspiration for me. I suffer from dysbiosis and leaky gut issues.
how many hours do you suggest between taking Betaine HCL and the TMG?
The easiest thing to do would be to take the TMG at least an hour before meals then take the betaine HCl with meals.
Do you think is best to re-store stomach acidity before beginning probiotic supplement? Or can I do both at the same time?
You can do both at the same time although you would take the probiotics when your stomach acid is at its lowest. I prefer taking things like kefir first thing in the morning upon waking and before bed since these will be the times when stomach acid will be at its lowest. Follow with some water to help rinse the acids off the teeth and to help further dilute the stomach acid to help ensure the survival of the flora.
HIV is a leukemia virus. Both pau d' arco and andrographis have long histories of effectively dealing with leukemia viruses. I have personally seen several AIDS patients turn around in days by using pau d' arco alone.
The reason I add chaparral is traditional use of pau d' arco is to add yerba mate', which is a sulfur source. The sulfur increases the antiviral effects of the pau d' arco. But yerba mate' itself is not a very effective antiseptic. Chaparral on the other hand not only supplies the sulfur, but it is also a very strong anti-viral, antibacterial, antifungal, immune stimulant, and is the strongest natural antioxidant I have found. Chaparral also helps to prevent cellular division of cancer cells, which is important since cancers are also a hallmark of AIDS. Therefore I find chaparral to be a better choice to combine with pau d' arco than yerba mate'.
The full range antimicrobial and immune stimulatory effects of these herbs is also important for a very simple reason. AIDS is not a disease, it is a syndrome (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome). Syndromes are not diseases, they are groups of symptoms. This means that there is more than one cause of AIDS. In fact HIV cannot cause AIDS under the original definition. The definition was changed to fit the virus after Robert Gallo, who had already been busted for scientific fraud, had lied to the world again by claiming that HIV was the cause of AIDS. As the top scientist for the CDC Gallo was about to embarrass the US government AGAIN, so they had to find some way to cover up Gallo's newest lie. Therefore the definition of AIDS was expanded to include the drop in CD4 counts, the ONLY thing HIV can do. So why did Gallo lie? Because he held the patent rights on the HIV antibody test. As long as he could convince the world of his lie he was making a fortune. And the world was looking for an answer at the time so people readily accepted the HIV/AIDS hypothesis, and the government was not going to admit to covering up Gallo's lie allowing hundreds of thousands to die based on his lie. So the cover up stuck.
For the above reasons AIDS must be addressed with full range antimicrobials and immune stimulants to address the microbes that can cause AIDS and to counter the AIDS-inducing effects of the drug AZT and its analogues.
Ten days ago I had emergency surgery due to ischemic colon, and he took out almost my whole colon! He didn't tell me that when I was in the hopsital. He said it could be reversed in 3 months, but now he says he can't do it! I have a colostomy and may never be able to get it fixed. All the blood vessels were clotted, in and out. He said it's probably a form of autoimmune vasculitis and I need to find a rheumatologist. Pathology report wont be back for a week or more.
The ER CT scan in November said it was from the splenic flexure to the descending colon, the rectum was "spared", and now he said it had expanded to the transverse colon and rectum. I showed my doc and the GI doc the first CT scan and they still made me wait another month to be seen! I couldn't eat, or even drink and was in severe pain. I thought I was going to die.
I'm angry the GI doc wouldn't see me, and I had to go to the ER again near death to get help. If they would have taken me seriously this summer and done a colonoscopy this may have been avoided. It sounds like steroids could have helped vasculitis if they caught it early.
It's been a real nightmare. I don't know what kind of hope there is for me now.
I'm trying to stay positive, but it's difficult.
So sorry to hear about what you've gone through Gina. From the little I've read of your posts, it sounds like you have been through such a long ordeal with so much suffering and you've really been brave about it.
I've had a couple of family members who have had colostomies, but not a lot of experience or knowledge about it myself. My brother-in-law did have one for a long time (I don't know how long exactly, but it was months) and he eventually had it reversed.
I will keep you in my prayers Gina. Take care of yourself and may God bless you.
Thank You Hope!
I'm trying not to give up, but it's difficult. I had an autoimmune disease in 2005 that shut down my body and nearly killed me but no one could figure out what it was, and now this "vasculitis" that killed my colon. It's worse than cancer because it's dead. If it attacks an organ it kills it, even the heart.
There must be a name for this or some rhyme or reason to when and where it attacks. My father died of a heart attack when he was 39, and now I'm thinking it could've been vasculitis that caused it, but I'll never know. It could be genetic.
Maybe the pathology report will have the answers.
Thanks for your kind words and prayers. It's helping. I'm at peace. It will unfold as it will. There doesn't seem to be anything I can do about it now, so I'm going with the flow. My daughter is here for 2 weeks to help and friends have been great.
If you have any GI problems get a colonoscopy!
Im wondering if ozone can help in healing?
Ozone does help with tissue regeneration and vascularization. But the seal for the colostomy bag could be affected if it is made of rubber instead of a synthetic like silicone. Therefore, it would be essential to determine what the material is first.
Ten days ago I had emergency surgery due to ischemic colon, and he took out almost my whole colon! He didn't tell me that when I was in the hopsital. He said it could be reversed in 3 months, but now he says he can't do it! I have a colostomy and may never be able to get it fixed. All the blood vessels were clotted, in and out. He said it's probably a form of autoimmune vasculitis and I need to find a rheumatologist. Pathology report wont be back for a week or more.
Have you received the report back yet? Do they suspect ulcerative colitis or Crohn's?
The ER CT scan in November said it was from the splenic flexure to the descending colon, the rectum was "spared", and now he said it had expanded to the transverse colon and rectum. I showed my doc and the GI doc the first CT scan and they still made me wait another month to be seen! I couldn't eat, or even drink and was in severe pain. I thought I was going to die.
I'm angry the GI doc wouldn't see me, and I had to go to the ER again near death to get help. If they would have taken me seriously this summer and done a colonoscopy this may have been avoided. It sounds like steroids could have helped vasculitis if they caught it early.
Yes and no. Steroids will reduce the inflammation, but would not dissolve the blood clots. And if it is autoimmune then the use of steroids can reduce the symptoms, but make the underlying problem worse.
It's been a real nightmare. I don't know what kind of hope there is for me now.
I'm trying to stay positive, but it's difficult.
How much can be done is hard to say at this point. There is nothing that can really be done about the necrotic tissue. If it is autoimmune though the autoimmunity can be addressed and possibly some revascularization and tissue regeneration.
The original pathology report was vasculitis. They sent my colon to UCLA to find out what kind of vasculitis killed it because they're the leaders in that field, but my Blue Cross HMO wouldnt pay for it, so then they sent it to USC, and I'm still waiting for results.
The surgeon's an ass^$% and doesn't give a poop. None of the docs do. No one wants to touch me.
I'm worried that waiting all this time, 2 months, other parts of my body could die or become diseased with this vasculitis. From what I read it gets in eyes, ears, sinus's, lungs, heart, joints, skin, everywhere, and I have undiagnosed problems in these places. And the pieces of colon that were left in me had signs of disease already.
The emergency surgery was Dec 10th and I don't see the rheumatologist until Feb 9th. None of these doctors know about vasculitis, and I doubt the rheumatologist will. They only care about making money.
These are the dark ages!!! We need an evolution asap.
Peroxide can help with cleaning the lungs out, primarily by increasing macrophage activity on the lung surface. BUT, there are several things to keep in mind. One is that I do not recommend using the 3% in the brown bottles. These use acidic stabilizers such as phosphoric acid. I someone does this I recommend only using food grade hydrogen peroxide THAT HAS BEEN DILUTED. A 3% solution can be made by adding one ounce of the food grade peroxide to 11 ounces of distilled water. And I would even dilute this down further to maybe a half a percent or less. Remember that the body generates peroxides to activate white blood cells, but it only needs traces of the peroxide to do this.
I've been inhaling Hydrogen Peroxide for my lungs and I do get that burst of energy people talk about. This burst of energy won't further deplete my already depleted or fatigued adrenals correct? Or will taking herbs like Yucca Root, Nettle leaf, Licorice Root that I'm already taking daily take care of that? I do like the energy, the clarity of mind, etc I get from H202.
The peroxide is not a central nervous system stimulant, so it is not going to crash the adrenals.
I know I've asked about collagen before ... but I was watching an infomercial yesterday for Calorad, and liquid collagen product, and it got me curious again. I went researching for more about calorad and found a LOT of positive testimonials on many sites which surprised me because I figured it was just another overpriced hyped product. It IS expensive!
So what is the best collagen to take? How much is a good therapeutic dose? Any down side to taking it? I've been taking a powdered collagen but will run out in a few weeks and want to try another kind, perhaps a capsule? Calorad is way to expensive and some people said it tastes horrid too.
Anyone else take collagen?
If this is the same stuff that I am thinking about this came out years ago as a weight loss product. It is hydrolyzed collagen, or to be more precise gelatin.
Best thing to do is to go buy some bulk gelatin. Keep in mind though that the gelatin primarily supplies the amino acids for collagen production. But you need more than amino acids for collagen formation. You still need silica, vitamin C and traces of copper and zinc.
Second, I would add three caps of Herp Eeze three times daily between meals. This product combines extracts of Prunella v. and Olive leaf which are anti viral,
The big drawback to prunella (heal all) is that it also suppresses thyroid function.
It is possible that she is taking or eating something that is keeping the thyroid up. For example if she was diagnosed as being hypothyroid she would likely be on thyroid medication.
Either way I don't recommend it since this is one of its primary uses in Chinese medicine, to suppress the thyroid. And other people may not be as lucky as your wife. So people need to be aware of this potential side effect of prunella.
This could be the answer as well:
Estrogen is a primary cause of thyroid suppression and prunella is anti-estrogenic.
So if excess estrogen is causing the hypothryoidism the Herp Eeze w/ Prunella would be a good thing, right?
As long as you don't over do it and you are sure this is the cause. Although I prefer to balance hormones with bitters, which often are also antivirals such as andrographis.
Also keep in mind that prunella has been shown to supress the thyroid. It may be anti-estrogenic but there can still be compounds in prunella that suppress the thyroid.
Based on your symptoms I believe there are three areas you are having problems with. The adrenals, the thyroid and the liver. The thyroid issues could be compounded by adrenal or liver problems.
What triggered this? Most likely bacterial food poisoning from the lobster bisque. The toxins from the bacteria can cause damage to the kidneys, thereby affecting the adrenals, and the liver.
Breaking it down a little more for you the allergies and other sensitivities indicate adrenal dysfunction. The low blood pressure and passing out also leads me to believe it is adrenal related as well as the puffiness in the hands. Allergies/sensitivities stem from a lack of antihistamine and antileukotriene epinephrine (adrenaline) and immune modulating and anti-inflammatory corticosteroids being released from the adrenals. Chronically low blood pressure and passing out can occur from a lack of epinephrine being released, which helps to maintain blood pressure by constricting blood vessels. There are other possible reasons for this, but coupled with the other symptoms this leads me to believe that it is adrenal related in this case. And the swelling in response to the salt sounds like a problem with lack of mineralcorticoids also from the adrenals. Caffeine weakens the adrenals, which would exaggerate these symptoms. But what really got my interest was when you said "I had half of a small DECAF latte and all hell broke loose. I had difficulty breathing". The reason this is so important is because this sounds like an allergic reaction. Yet if caffeine is taken in times of emergency, such as during an asthma attack (an inflammatory allergic condition) the caffeine can actually help counter the attack. It does this because it is a cyclic adenosine monophosphate dieesterase inhibitor (cAMPPDEI). Normally during an allergic reaction the adrenals will release epinephrine, which in turn elevates levels of an enzymatic regulator called cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP). Among its other effects cAMP will counter histamine and leukotriene to stop the attack. But cAMP is short lived as it is quickly broken by an enzyme called adenosine monophosphate dieesterase (cAMPPDE). Caffeine can stop an allergic reaction, if used occasionally as to not crash the adrenals, by blocking this enzyme and thus prolonging the anti-allergenic effects of the cAMP. This therefore tells me that you are not generating enough cAMP in the first place, which means the adrenals are likely not producing enough epinephrine, which is also evidenced by the blood pressure issues.
Your low body temperature indicates thyroid dysfunction. This can also account for a lot of the brain fog. Lab tests are notoriously inaccurate when it comes to hypothyroidism, and they often miss this condition. Low body temperature and other symptoms are much better indicators. The tricky part to hypothyroidism is trying to figure out what is causing it as there are numerous causes. Adrenal dysfunction is one cause, and since it appears your adrenals are in really bad shape I would assume this is the cause first. For this reason I would focus more on building up the adrenals more than the thyroid at this point.
I also suspect your liver for a few reasons. Primarily because of this statement: "All day, every day, I have a brain fog. And I'm finding that I get lightheaded when I eat any sort of protein...fish, chicken, tofu, you name it." Protein is made up of amino acids, which are based with ammonia. As the amino acids are metabolized ammonia is a byproduct. This ammonia is very toxic, and if it is not properly metabolized by the liver you can end up with high levels of ammonia causing brain fog. If it gets severe enough this can lead to coma. You also said that you get enough sleep these days. That makes me wonder if you are sleeping more than normal, which can also be a symptom of high ammonia. You also mentioned itching all over, which can also result from liver damage. Other symptoms that you can look for include loss of appetite, fatigue, bruise easily or get nosebleeds, edema in the legs, white nail beds instead of pink, clubbing on the fingernails, darkening of the skin, jaundice (check the whites of the eyes or under the tongue), spider nevus that is frequently seen in the face area, or nausea. Liver damage can also lead to kidney damage, which can affect the adrenals. This also brings up the possibility of hepatitis, as hepatitis viruses can be passed from seafoods, especially crustaceans and shellfish.
Did they check your liver enzymes?
You are on the right track with supporting your adrenals. There are several herbs I would focus on for this though. One is chaparral, which not only supports the adrenals but also is a very strong antimicrobial and blood cleanser. Schisandra berry will support the adrenals as well as the liver and kidneys. Ashwagandha will support the adrenals and the thyroid. Amla berry is also a good idea as it not only supports the adrenals, but it also supports the immune system by raising superoxide dismutase (SOD), and it protects the DNA from heavy metal damage. The reason this last part is so important is because you mentioned drinking a lot of wine. Wine frequently contains high levels of lead.
Silica also helps to remove lead from the body. Food grade diatomaceous earth is the best source.
Because of your sensitivities I don't want you introducing a lot of new things suddenly. Therefore, I recommend starting with the herbs mentioned, which will also help strengthen the liver so it can tolerate the herbs better that I will recommend later.
One other thing I recommend though is adding watercress to your diet. Watercress is very nutritional, will support the adrenals and thyroid, and is a natural anti-histamine. It is also high in sulfur, which will help with strenghtening the tissues and with detoxification.
Thanks for your extremely detailed response!
They checked my liver as part of the comprehensive metabolic panel. This was taken after I started having the fainting attacks and hypoglycemia-like symptoms but before "all hell broke loose." The results seemed to be in the middle of the normal range (Bilirubin 0.6 mg/dL, Alkaline Phosphatase 62 IU/L, AST 20 IU/L, ALT 13 IU/L.)
I started adding watercress and amla...so far, so good. Will look for schizandra next time I go to the co-op. I was looking online and found a thyroid complex (http://www.luckyvitamin.com/item/itemKey/77199) that includes ashwagandha, schizandra, as well as kelp, bladderwrack, coleus forskohlii. Are the rest of these beneficial to take at this time?
The forskohlii and watercress work best if taken together. And using adaptogens together such as the ashwagandha and schisandra is also good. But with multiple sensitivities it is a good idea to add one thing at a time. Kelp and bladderwrack are both seaweeds, so you don't need both. Bladderwrack is better for the thyroid and immune system, but is not a good idea if there is autoimmunity due to the polysaccharides. If there is autoimmunity then kelp would be a better choice.
Also, I have looked up chaparral and it does look like it has many good properties but there have been results of it causing liver problems. Which makes me think I should be wary of it at this time as my liver may be messed up. Or should it just be OK to take it in very small doses?
The whole chaparral and liver issue is very misleading. There were 13 ISOLATED cases of hepatitis that the FDA tried to link to chaparral use. But the FDA conveniently left out the facts that most of the people had pre-existing liver failure or were on pharmaceutical drugs known to damage the liver. Of course the herb got blamed instead of the actual causes. Although, fresh chaparral does contain alkaloids that can damage the liver. These alkaloids are very unstable though and quickly break down upon drying of the herb. It takes about 2 months after drying for all of these alkaloids to be completely destroyed. Commercial chaparral will have been oxidized sufficiently to destroy all of the alkaloids. So this is only a problem if you are picking your own chaparral fresh.
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