Ten days ago I had emergency surgery due to ischemic colon, and he took out almost my whole colon! He didn't tell me that when I was in the hopsital. He said it could be reversed in 3 months, but now he says he can't do it! I have a colostomy and may never be able to get it fixed. All the blood vessels were clotted, in and out. He said it's probably a form of autoimmune vasculitis and I need to find a rheumatologist. Pathology report wont be back for a week or more.
The ER CT scan in November said it was from the splenic flexure to the descending colon, the rectum was "spared", and now he said it had expanded to the transverse colon and rectum. I showed my doc and the GI doc the first CT scan and they still made me wait another month to be seen! I couldn't eat, or even drink and was in severe pain. I thought I was going to die.
I'm angry the GI doc wouldn't see me, and I had to go to the ER again near death to get help. If they would have taken me seriously this summer and done a colonoscopy this may have been avoided. It sounds like steroids could have helped vasculitis if they caught it early.
It's been a real nightmare. I don't know what kind of hope there is for me now.
I'm trying to stay positive, but it's difficult.
So sorry to hear about what you've gone through Gina. From the little I've read of your posts, it sounds like you have been through such a long ordeal with so much suffering and you've really been brave about it.
I've had a couple of family members who have had colostomies, but not a lot of experience or knowledge about it myself. My brother-in-law did have one for a long time (I don't know how long exactly, but it was months) and he eventually had it reversed.
I will keep you in my prayers Gina. Take care of yourself and may God bless you.
Thank You Hope!
I'm trying not to give up, but it's difficult. I had an autoimmune disease in 2005 that shut down my body and nearly killed me but no one could figure out what it was, and now this "vasculitis" that killed my colon. It's worse than cancer because it's dead. If it attacks an organ it kills it, even the heart.
There must be a name for this or some rhyme or reason to when and where it attacks. My father died of a heart attack when he was 39, and now I'm thinking it could've been vasculitis that caused it, but I'll never know. It could be genetic.
Maybe the pathology report will have the answers.
Thanks for your kind words and prayers. It's helping. I'm at peace. It will unfold as it will. There doesn't seem to be anything I can do about it now, so I'm going with the flow. My daughter is here for 2 weeks to help and friends have been great.
If you have any GI problems get a colonoscopy!
Im wondering if ozone can help in healing?
Ozone does help with tissue regeneration and vascularization. But the seal for the colostomy bag could be affected if it is made of rubber instead of a synthetic like silicone. Therefore, it would be essential to determine what the material is first.
Ten days ago I had emergency surgery due to ischemic colon, and he took out almost my whole colon! He didn't tell me that when I was in the hopsital. He said it could be reversed in 3 months, but now he says he can't do it! I have a colostomy and may never be able to get it fixed. All the blood vessels were clotted, in and out. He said it's probably a form of autoimmune vasculitis and I need to find a rheumatologist. Pathology report wont be back for a week or more.
Have you received the report back yet? Do they suspect ulcerative colitis or Crohn's?
The ER CT scan in November said it was from the splenic flexure to the descending colon, the rectum was "spared", and now he said it had expanded to the transverse colon and rectum. I showed my doc and the GI doc the first CT scan and they still made me wait another month to be seen! I couldn't eat, or even drink and was in severe pain. I thought I was going to die.
I'm angry the GI doc wouldn't see me, and I had to go to the ER again near death to get help. If they would have taken me seriously this summer and done a colonoscopy this may have been avoided. It sounds like steroids could have helped vasculitis if they caught it early.
Yes and no. Steroids will reduce the inflammation, but would not dissolve the blood clots. And if it is autoimmune then the use of steroids can reduce the symptoms, but make the underlying problem worse.
It's been a real nightmare. I don't know what kind of hope there is for me now.
I'm trying to stay positive, but it's difficult.
How much can be done is hard to say at this point. There is nothing that can really be done about the necrotic tissue. If it is autoimmune though the autoimmunity can be addressed and possibly some revascularization and tissue regeneration.
The original pathology report was vasculitis. They sent my colon to UCLA to find out what kind of vasculitis killed it because they're the leaders in that field, but my Blue Cross HMO wouldnt pay for it, so then they sent it to USC, and I'm still waiting for results.
The surgeon's an ass^$% and doesn't give a poop. None of the docs do. No one wants to touch me.
I'm worried that waiting all this time, 2 months, other parts of my body could die or become diseased with this vasculitis. From what I read it gets in eyes, ears, sinus's, lungs, heart, joints, skin, everywhere, and I have undiagnosed problems in these places. And the pieces of colon that were left in me had signs of disease already.
The emergency surgery was Dec 10th and I don't see the rheumatologist until Feb 9th. None of these doctors know about vasculitis, and I doubt the rheumatologist will. They only care about making money.
These are the dark ages!!! We need an evolution asap.