I've been experimenting with Coconut oil during the last two weeks to see its effects on my hot flashes. I must say, the effects have been drastic! After first taking a tablsp., I went to bed....and slept thru the whole night. I did not have 1 flash that night. During the day, I noticed that I hadn't felt a flash. My body felt so comfortable and even. Then, a hot flash hit about 5:30p. A few more followed, but they weren't intense. I didn't become completely soaked. Instead, I had a mild sweat on my forehead and just felt warm (instead of feeling like I'm on fire).
If you decide to take Coconut oil for your hot flashes, take a high, pure grade of the oil. Also, start taking it in small doses so that your body can adjust to it. I have read that Coconut oil can help to bring hormonal balance. It's definitely getting me into 'balance', and I feel more energy and mental clarity. I highly recommend taking Coconut oil to alleviate hot flashes.
P S In the past, Vitamin D3 has helped to alleviate my hot flashes (when I began taking it), as well as Iodine. With both, the hot flashes subsided, then disappeared for months at a time. This is the third time they have revisited my body, and Coconut oil has been my line of defense.
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