What kind of oil are you using?
Olive oil. Switched to safflower for about a week and noticed I lost many of my oil pulling benefits so am back on the olive.
How often and for how long?
Twice a day, usually about 15 min in the morning and a bit longer when I get home. When I am feeling ill I will swish as many short pulls as I need to to feel better. One day I yanked a headache right out of my head. Very cool.
Have you noticed any changes in your physiology or dental health? Good and bad please.
The teeth the first day, easily lightened about three shades. Probably a couple more since then. I noticed when I switched to safflower they seemed to get duller but brightened right up when I went back to the olive. Gums, teeth, tongue all cleaner and fresher.
Had a carpal tunnel situation going on in my arm, gone in two days and never to return! This had been bothering me for almost a year and had been so painful I had to sleep with my arm elevated. Interestingly, the first day I sat down at the computer while swishing and touched my mouse the oil immediately went THIN. Second day, same thing when I started to use the mouse. After that the huge rope running from elbow to wrist was completely gone.
My back is better, my aches and pains in knees, feet - all gone. Huge improvement noticed after exercising, no more suffering from soreness and stiffness. If I do get sore I pull while stretching the affected area and it is gone.
Maybe most important to the health changes I have noticed is a hormonal one. Two weeks after I started pulling I noticed my menstrual cycle (which had been getting symptomatic of pre-menopause) changed. It had been getting heavy, some clotting and lasting 7 days. Also, it was beginning to get painful. Wild yam helped with some of this, but when I started pulling I quit using it entirely. Well, the cycle lasted 5 days, was not painful, no cramping and less heavy. My past one was like I had ten years ago - 28 days to the dot, 5 days long, absolutely NO bloating beforehand, very normal, no pain or clotting. I posted this in the gynecological forum because after doing some curious reading as to the why of this I found out that excess estrogen (the cause of many women's disorders including cysts, fibroids, etc) gets trapped in the liver. By pulling oil the bile flow has increased and this has helped rid my body of the excess estrogen - this I think is probably more important than any of the other health changes I have noted because it well could be staving off God only knows how many chronic health problems for me in the future.
Lastly, the emotional sense of well being and happiness has been greatly increased. This could be an estrogen thing as well, but part of it I know is just that I FEEL so darned good. Pulling is also a great stress reliever, I can't tell you how many days I come home after traffic almost grinding my teeth to have it washed away in the first five minutes of pulling.
Skin glowing and soft, eyes clearer, face looks younger and glowing - this is definitely one protocol I will continue for life!
Did you turn anyone onto Oil Pulling, and what do they think?
One of my office mates has been doing it for over a month. An instructor from a class I took and my chiropractor (my back health was a big testimonial and got him interested. He barely had anything to adjust after three months and I normally go every 6 weeks!)
Do any of you participate in other forums spreading the Oil Pulling word, and would you like company?
I have mentioned it in the gynelogical forum and probably one or two others. I find people are willing to try it because it is so inexpensive compared to many other detox methods.
Sorry this is so long, but for me the benefits are many and exciting!