First post here. The following is pretty long but please read through it as it may save my brother’s life! (He had a suicide attempt last year and is again suicidal due to the gut symptoms).
His problems started 12 years ago with chronic constipation. He did everything imaginable to no avail. 5 years later he developed anxiety/panic disorder. We finally found the “nutritional medicine” route earlier this year.
Update of symptom I forgot about: he has had a white coated tongue for many years. He has to brush the coating off everyday. Also recently had dental problems, caveties came out of nowhere. The dentist was useless, just filled them up but couldn't help with the cause etc.
Hi Neil, I may only be able to help partially and I hope you get some other responses which may shed light on your brother's condition. With regard to the constipation, what is his diet like? He should do away with sugar, processed foods, junk foods, fast foods, etc. Eat a mostly raw diet, comprising of 80% raw, 20% cooked. The cooked portion should consist of chicken, fresh water fish, and turkey. Turkey contains L-tryptothan and will help with his anxiety. No vegetable oil or canola oil. Use only olive oil, flaxseed oil, and coconut oil. By the way, this diet will also help with his anxiety. People suffering from anxiety also tend to be hypogycemic and this will control his blood sugar. A question I am going to ask you is, has he had emotional problems of one kind or another throughout his life? Emotional problems can wreak havoc with one's health. Let me point out the following symptoms that you listed: extreme painfull heaviness after small amounts of food...this is the most severe symptom! It literally is preventing him from eating! This could very well be caused by anxiety. Some people who suffer with anxiety disorders tend to drastically lose weight where they can even become "wasted" simply because they just cannot eat. The following are definitely all related to anxiety: Brain: Anxiety, panic disorder / extreme racing mind / jumbled thoughts / foggy brain / no concentration / poor memory (this could be from past ECT treatment) The disconcerting factor in all this is that he has attempted suicide and is again suicidal. Is he undergoing some type of therapy? Below are supplements that may help your brother, they are excellent for relieving anxiety. However, I do suggest that he have someone to talk to that can guide him through emotional healing, whether it be from his physical symptoms or something far deeper. l-Theanine L-Tryptothan Colloidal Gold - This is an excellent supplement. It literally preserves the health of the body, mind, and spirit. It helps stabilize any chemical imbalances in the brain and lifts depression. You can get this at They have a first time buyer offer where you get one free bottle for every 8 oz bottle ordered, but you must call to receive this offer. After that, by using their coupon code LR001, you will receive a 15% discount if it is not on sale. Actually, this is good for all of their products. I take this supplement daily. Plant Derived Trace Minerals - Trace minerals are crucial. Many times the cause of anxiety is due to a deficiency in these minerals. They also help to correct any chemical imbalances. Iodine supplementation is crucial. Many times anxiety is due to a deficiency in iodine. I take SSKI and magnascent daily. The best source that I can refer you to is from Trapper at the Iodine Forum. That is where I get my iodine and they will guide you as to its use. Bach's Flower Remedies will help him to relax. Go down the list for the remedies that will help in his particular situation. Also, what helped me immensely was a product by the name of Mind Soothe carried by These are my suggestions. It looks like a large part of his symptoms are anxiety based. I wish you the very best, Luella
Body: chronic fatigue (very debilitating!!) / headaches that radiates to the face / shortness of breath (no asthma).
Thank you for sharing that your brother was given roaccutane. Bingo! I believe you have found the culprit for everything. It not only causes severe loss of appetite but also all the above-mentioned conditions you described, including psychiatric disorders and suicidal tendencies. Bless his heart. How long has he been off this drug? To start with, he's going to have to do some heavy detoxing and the following is a liver cleanse that will help:
Five day liver cleanse.
It is best to have day 4 on a Saturday or at a time when you are staying at home.
Day 1: Drink 1 liter (4 cups) of apple juice during the day. Eat as normal otherwise.
Day 2: Drink another liter of apple juice. Eat normally
Day 3: Drink a 3rd liter of apple juice. Eat normally
Day 4: Do not take any sold food after lunch time
6pm - Take one level tablespoon of Epsom salt in a glass of water
8pm - Take another tablespoon of Epsom salt in a glass of water. You may find that you already have to take a trip to the toilet before the 8pm Epsom salt.
10pm - Mix one half glass of olive oil and three quarter glass of freshly squeezed grape fruit juice by shaking it very well in a jar with a lid so that it mixes well and immediately get into bed after drinking the mixture. You will probably make more than one trip to the toilet during the night as well as during the next day.
Day 5:
6am: Take another tablespoon of Epsom salt in a glass of water
8am: Take one final tablespoon of Epsom salt in a glass of water.
You will find that many gallstones from the liver will be passed and one will notice them in the toilet. They will vary in size from about pin head size to 10mm. Gallstones in the liver are a major cause of many health problems.
The above liver cleanse can be repeated every month until one finds that for two months in succession no more gallstones are passed. The liver will then be clean. (You can read about this in much more detail in Andreas Moritz's book ' "The liver and gallbladder miracle cleanse" which you can download from his site at
Other things to do for the liver:
Coffee enemas - help open the bile ducts so bile and toxins can be released properly.
Coconut oil - a wonderful item everyone should take, it helps maintain a good bile flow.
Beetroot juice - is also good for the liver and bile flow.
Turmeric - is a cancer fighter itself, especially for smokers, and it helps regulate bile flow.
Milk thistle - is a must as it helps protect the liver and actually regenerate it
Alpha lipoic acid - another liver supplement that also helps fight cancer
Selenium - a third liver supplement that is good against cancer too.
In the Berkson Clinical Study, three women who were facing liver transplants or chemo with interferon (a horrendous treatment with very low success rates for hepatitis and cirhossis), took milk thistle, alpha lipoic acid and selenium, modified their diets a bit and got some daily exercise and restored their liver functions to normal.
Besides cleansing and detoxing your body, also cleanse your environment to the greatest extent possible of pesticides, herbicides, household cleansers, air fresheners and other manmade chemicals. In an ideal world, you would move to the country where there was plenty of fresh air and sunshine and less stress. In the real world you may not find that possible, so eliminate common toxins in your household, workplace and other places you spend time.
Neil, I would also try to find a naturopathic or holistic doctor to help him with this detox. Give him lots of love and understanding. I cannot imagine what he is going through.
I wish you all the very best,
Hi Neil,
Although the roaccutane was given 12 years ago, it could have been the catalyst to many of the symptoms that he has now. Of course, as I said, my reply may be a partial solution. Roaccutane does have long term effects and is so dangerous that I do believe that it was recently pulled off the market. The protocol that I described in my first post should help with the anxiety and depression, although it looks like he may also need to detox. Definitely also incorporate the liver cleanse in the above post.
Now, has he had a problem eating for several years, or is this a recent thing, because this is one of roaccutane's side effects. And I really have no idea why his eating would improve while taking the antibiotic.
Nevertheless, the suicidal thoughts concern me and whether drug induced or not, this is something that must be addressed. We want to do all we can to prevent a needless tragedy. My best advice would be to seek a holistic doctor or naturopath to help you with all these issues. I believe your brother needs hands on monitoring.
My Best,
Hi Neil,
I wish I had the answers to your questions, but truthfully, they are beyond my knowledge. That is why I have advised that you seek professional help. Preferably not mainstream, but holistic. Conventional medicine will simply pump additional drugs into your brother and, most likely, never find the cause.
One thing I will suggest though, that may very well help, is colloidal silver. Colloidal silver kills all one celled organisms. It is known as "nature's antibiotic." You can ingest as much as you want, you cannot overdose, and there are no side effects. Who knows, if his lack of eating is due to some type of microbe, maybe this will help? My suggestion would be that he drink two ounces a day, together with taking probotics to ensure that the beneficial bacteria in the intestines remain healthy and active. My source of colloidal silver is Curezone Sponsor It is of very high quality made by sophisticated means. They have a first time buyer offer where you receive one bottle free for every 8 oz bottle ordered, but you must call to receive this offer. Their number is at the top of the home page. After that, by using their coupon code LR001, you will receive a 15% discount if it is not on sale. Actually, this discount can be used for all their products. So it is also cost effective.
I wish I could be of more help to you and I wish you the very best in your quest to help your brother.